
Dang, they managed to fit a whole water cooling loop before they found space for a headphone check. Crazy how that works


It's fancy and interesting, but OnePlus got wholly different problems to fix than their cooling.


I have a suggestion for thermal cameras shiny things, there is a specific sprayer that can give a microlayer of matte powder to defuse any shine yet still minimize any thermal effect the matting method has, this powder spray is usually used in dental tech applications, it's called a scanner spray and it can be a good addition to the lab tool fleet


You could try using the Dolphin emulator for performance comparison. Not only does it not do any of those "dynamic performance adjustments" other games do, it also allows you to display what your max FPS could be given how fast it rendered the last frame(s) and how much it had to wait. Ask Anthony or any other emulator nerd on your team :)


I love the idea at the end you mentioned, having different phones that would fit different people.  It'll never happen, but it's a great idea.


Biggest downside is if it drops you might just break your cooling system.


Would've been interesting to see how much moving water around in narrow channels decreases battery life.


Does it work?
Marques: "NO"
Linus: "Yes, it lowers the temperature by 2 degrees"


I love this! I am a non traditional phone user, I always look for something special in the phones I buy. I had a CAT S41 for bug's sake, that thing was just a chonker and a half with a huge battery. They even advertised it as a battery bank and included a cable to charge other phones from your phone. I will always pick the phone that suits my needs, and this is exactly the kind of wacky thing I love to see.


"not every phone needs to be everything to everyone" is resonating very well with me as I watch this on a Surface Duo. I hope this trend of more conceptual/creative phones contiues.


Even if it doesn't increase performance much, I have to admit it looks pretty cool.


I’m actually surprised this didn’t happen sooner, especially with Asus’ gaming phones.


would've loved to see an emulation test, emulator performance is totally different from mobile-optimized games and you'd see a more noticeable difference


Thinking on this, unless they've thought of this already, they should have the casing of the phone made from aluminum and have it slightly ribbed, it would be like the fins on an air-cooled engine but a lot smaller. The slight increase in surface area might help it that much more whilst also giving possibilities for interesting wavy designs if they made the ribs/channels/fins/???? follow the same path as the tubing. Also buy having it slightly wavy it would potentially help it a little extra with cooling whilst it was, say, sitting screen up on a counter because you were playing a game and forgot you had something in the oven so frantically run to pull out your meatloaf before it sets off the smoke alarm.


Its nice to switch positions once and a while. Digging the new upload times


the drop in battery temps looks to be really good. it should help with the temps when you do a quick charge of the phone (like when i plug an external battery for a few minutes while traveling) and keep it cooler for longer when doing a full charge.


I thought we were over the weird phone features but IF this could work and become BIG that would be awesome


The "Bring back the old oxygen OS you cowards", though! xD


Using the circle camera bump as part of the cooling system could be interesting. Put metal fins on the outside of it and you'd have at least some spot for the heat to dissipate when you're holding it, or worse yet, holding it and have a case on it. Maybe combine the bump with a heatsink through it and one of those new MEMS fans shown at shows recently and get temps down even further and for longer duration.


Another thing to worry about if the back glass cracks would be nasty