
Appreciate the increased frequency of uploads lately!


3:47 IFR Departure from uncontrolled airport. Reading the books gives me a general idea, but now looking at this real scenario make it even more clear. Thank for sharing


I really like these procedural type videos. Great for learning. Appreciate you talking through what you are thinking, and how you stay ahead of the airplane.


I’m one of the controllers at LEX, it’s cool watching it from y’all’s perspective coming in


If every GA PPL pilot had your awareness and common sense, there would be practically no fatal accidents.  Which tells me there are a lot of GA pilots flying around unaware of their limitations.  Great video Josh.  Thanks for sharing.  Oh and just a suggestion:  We need a Chelsea video soon


Flown like a pro, Josh.  Your 172 with the Garmin has almost the same capabilities as the Gulfstream G-280's I flew in the corporate world, except for a little less speed,  known ice,  radar,  oxygen,  2 jet engines...😂😂 Still, a very capable single engine airplane you have there.  That was an outstanding video for the instrument student to learn proper procedures.


I absolutely love your ILS video from a few years ago where you are in Texas. Super educational and I share it with all my students. This new video is even more polished with higher production values and everything is explained so clearly. Just texted this link to all my instrument rating students.


Good ole Bluegrass Airport!! It was always so lovely to fly commercial into LEX while attending UK.  the approach over Keeneland was so unique and cool


What a great video.
As someone who is now studying for my IFR, it was this video that made me switch from foreflight to Garmin pilot!


I appreciate the IFR technical detail you provide in your videos. Thank you and keep up the great work!


I like hearing other people loading/ briefing approaches early. My instructor always said "If you're sitting there doing nothing, you're wrong" lol


As usual, another excellent video. I too really enjoy your procedural videos and how you verbalize what you’re thinking and doing. I love your focus and attention to detail.


That was superb, love some in depth IMC flights


We know just how good you’re getting landing in low clouds when you can do it without the assistance of Otto the Auotopilot sitting in the right seat! 😅😊


Another awesome video Josh! It's cool seeing you fly into fields with such a rich history for you and Chels. Stay safe!


I grew up 10 minutes from KLEX! Flew out of there tons of times in the days of commercial turboprops, and I still fly in myself anytime I’m visiting home. I’m convinced it’s the best small airport anywhere. Most beautiful scenery you’ll find in 500 miles— too bad it was socked in today!!


Last summer I replaced nav/strobes, tail light, and beacon with LED in my 182 (landing/taxi were already LED) - loving them! This year, I'm getting the Garmin GI275 EIS to replace old, inaccurate analog gauges as well as a dated Insight GEM 602 EGT/CHT instrument as we speak. Super excited to fly with it!


This channel giving me such a massive tailwind in my journey of becoming a pilot. As of writing this comment, I just finished my VFR LPE and am taking my final hurdles towards my first pilot licence.


It’s truly amazing. I remember watching you years ago when this was just a dream for me. Now, I’m still watching your videos and I see planes that I trained in like 74D there at 29:35. It’s a great feeling seeing how far we’ve all come.


Oshkosh was awesome.  Sorry I missed you but I know you were busy.  So happy to listen to your stories and see how your life has come together.  God Bless!