Just did this job on my 2015 Forester. Not too bad. I used updated oem WBs and new updated backing plates. Best to replace WBs in pairs.
it looks like the front wheels don't spin when you manually rotate the rear wheels - did you disconnect the center diff or something? usually they give a lot of resistance
I’m giving my son a Subaru 14 outback. What odbc monitor can you recommend? I would like one that shows live data on a connected MacBook. Also what upgrade can we attempt? I want him to get some experience wrenching. I had a VW beetle in college and used to take it apart and put it back together on the regular, taught by an experienced mechanic. Then I had an rx7, then a bmw and now a Tesla.
first, love the vid, gonna jack my car up and see if its the wheel bearings. 2nd, I've been trying to figure out what the loud humm in the vehicle cabin was, and after i try spinning the tires to see if there is grinding, then i'll know. But i'm just hoping its not the transmission, tho at first i thought it might be like its a low gear, but it happens through all kinds of speeds and driving, and the sound gets louder the faster i go, so i bet it'll be the wheel bearings. And thankfully i'll be able to do that work myself. thanks again for the vid, because i can't find a good one telling about why things are happening, meaning, you are very informative !! ty again
Muzu se zeptat jen na to,jak je mozne uspet v USA s anglictinou teto urovne? Pisu zamerne cesky,protoze z prizvuku je mi celkem jasne,ze jste Cech,nebo Slovak. Nemyslim to nijak zle. Preji Vam uspech a jsem rad,ze se Vam dari,jen mi to prijde skoro nemozne takto fungovat a mit zakazniky etc...zijete v USA dlouho? Diky, Jirka
My Honda 06 Ridgeline instrument panel has stopped working please can u help me out
My daughter Crosstrek has a horrible noise from the rear, I guess this is it. New York car with 89K on it.
Didn't you swear not to work on a Subaru again?
Hello just a question wanted to know what state your shop is located thank you