A testament of realism and leadership. Europe must grow up.
One of the best speeches Zelensky has done . He is completely right . Europe needs to be United .
Hand clapping does not drive Russia out of Ukraine.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who supports Ukraine. I am deeply grateful to all of you❤❤❤
“You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.' - To Neville Chamberlain” ― Winston Churchill
American here ... Zelensky is an amazing leader. Speaking about my own country we need some help from Europe. We NEED you to come together and be strong. This is the only thing that Trump respects and it is the only way the world will stop him from acting as a bully in the same manner Putin does. Zelensky is 1000% correct with his message of unity and strength in Europe. It is important for global peace.
All nations of the world have a parable about how a father showed his sons twigs, he easily broke one, but he could not break the bunch. Only together, only together can we resist evil. On the European continent, peace is the main thing for the development and prosperity of the peoples of Europe.
Slavia Ukrainian 🙏❤️💪😍
What an great ally Ukraine would be.
Strack zimmerman applaudiert voller enthusiasmus, die frau muss dringend in 6 monate perioden an der ukrainischen front kämpfen.^^ Sicher kann sie aus einem erdloch point of view drohnen auf russische ziele fliegen.
Europe can become the beacon of freedom and humanity if it takes the initiative. if not.. a dark age dawns
No one can never break the spirit of Europeans and the Ukrainians. The new American order can never let the Europeans and the Ukrainians make their knees down the way they want it to be. We must stand our grounds for Democracy ,freedom and peace and distance from Oligarch who wants to control the world. Stay united no matter what happens. Stay side by side with Ukraine.
European army comes down to this: Each army has a commander-in-chief. There's always a single person that calls the shots, and everybody else is subordinated. Is this plausible in European historical context, that a single person would command all armies across all EU countries? Or is this not needed?
Is there any way to give more likes to the same video on this platform? 🤔 This one really deserves thousands ❤
Vance appears to have done a great job at the conference of making America irrelevant..
We agree on a united European Army. Russians were always driving misinformation on this topic pushing people off the idea. Zelenskky is 100% correct. We have the capacity and ability to build this military machine - the framework is the same as NATO, so it's rather instant to do.
Anyone telling Zlensky to continue the fight is insincere. People are losing lives while Zelensky watches and is kept safe. If European countries want the war to continue then they give all necessary weapons and soldiers on ground, or else its just increasing deaths as Russia gains more and more territory that they wont give up
Europe must wake up
Even bollywood has failed in front of this European drama.but it's hard to see the Trump administration throwing any penny to them.