
''don't be full of shit!'' I wish everyone followed that advice in our days


I cried when he said "you should never turn back, never go home". MCR left us 😭😭😭


"Nothing can stop me going home" -Famous Last Words


gerard is so different performing than being interviewed. here, he seems so calm, and when i went to see them live, he was all jumpy and hyper and screamy


MCR said everything they had to say. They made the world a better place to live in and to stay. Even if nowadays there are so many more obsessions...
Some problems stay problems forever, fckn all-time-problems (stuff like bullying etc..) and they ve sent a massage to everyone. To kids who are like 6 today cause they will listen to their music at the age of fifteen  when they got problems. and MCR s music will be there for them and save them.


Never turn back
To all saying they did.....they didnt wanted to they loved doing this its so clear if u see them performing the vids their faces are bright.....they had reasons and to protect each other they let go 
Yah i cry alone over them and i miss them but i respect their opinian


Words to live by.


never turn back im never coming back home!!


Never go home...

What are you hinting at us gerard




Interviewer: Any special reason you guys are here today? Any special message?
Frank: we're here to save kids' lives
Interviewer: what are you doing to save kids' lives?
Gerard: Bringin a message. 

just thought of that moment b/c of this interview😂 I'll leave


they do make the world a better place. lots of kids have/had nothing else before they heard mcr. 

and i actually saw them on their first european tour and i guess they changed my life and the way i thought about music from then on...




omgee i think that we should get the mcrmy together and like all the other mcr fans from everywhere and just like go on a hunt for them and just tell them how much they mean to us... don't mcr fans rock??? POST BACK TO THIS!!!!!!!!!!
love you,


I love all of them❤️❤️❤️they are amazing


A veteran of a foreign war is right. Never turn back ❤❤


love you guys


@ 50 seconds Mikey looks at Gerard like he's pissed.....hehe.


great advice


if u pause at 20:...bob,mikey,ray, and frank r all staring at the same thing lmao