It tastes different because one of the ramens was budae jjigae (army based stew which includes spam and hotdogs) and the other one was proper kimchi stew flavoured. I think the one that people recommended to you was the kimchi stew one.
The sandwich was first made by the owner of the SBS cafeteria where the staff and kpop idols would eat before going on stage. Inkigayo is the name of the Music show SBS airs. A lot of kpop idols liked the sandwich and since the fans can't eat at the cafeteria, Convenience stores such as 711 and GS25 started selling their own version. Kpop idols also used the sandwich to exchange numbers by unwrapping one side, sliding in their numbers written on a paper and giving it to someone.
Customs Agent: "Purpose of trip?" Me: " I wanna eat at a convenience store" CA: "..." Me: "..." CA: "Mikey Chen fan?" Me:"Mikey Chen fan."
Just recently came across your channel and I gotta say it's helped me through quarantine and has given me an interest in trying new things. Thanks Mikey!
“No Cash, No Card, No Phone, We just need your hand.” chops off your hand as payment.
I love how you became so comfortable in Korea that you called where you were staying “home”
"maybe the kpop idols like to put something sweet in all of their sandwiches because.....they like to jam" that was the BIGGEST dad-moment so far.
Just made tteokbokki for the first time tonight for dinner. Everyone in my house chowed down. We’ve never had it, never made it. But it’s now going to be in permanent rotation on our menu! I don’t think I would have ever even attempted without the prompting of you & other youtubers, so thank you!!!
You were supposed to take out the tofu on a plate and there's a heart shape below where the sauce goes on
For the pudding drink, you’re supposed to shake it up and break up the pudding to make it drinkable. They have jelly ones in Japan, you do the same thing
The “spam” instant noodle one is an army stew instant noodle
“Eat skin to help your skin” words only from the iconic 😊Mikey Chen
"I'm making all the mistakes here so you guys won't when you eat this" LMAO thank you so much, Mike.
Something tells me you should have shaken that Strawberry drink before opening......I made this mistake once when I brought an Energy Drink out of a vending machine in Tokyo.....Opened it up and nothing came out......Realized that it was a Jelly Drink that needed to be shaken up before drinking.....Oops. Still tasty though
These convenience stores need to open in my country
Honestly mikey I gotta agree I love the korean culture and the food they make even though ive only been to korea once and it was a tour I loved it especially kpop as well I hope to revisit there as soon as I make enough moneyand when covids over
There is more to eat, see, and do in Korea than can be done in a month.
GS 25 is the best convenience store in South Korea.
Spam kimchi ramen is call Budae cheegae, the one you love, incase you didn't know. A Big bowl with kimchi with pork and glass noodle is the kimchi cheegae. I just love the look of that a big slice of pizza.