This dude literally just looked professional and became a meme
I love how he’s talking about how he hated being a meme at first and the video uses memes to describe everything.
I met him a few hours ago at Amsterdam airport and took a selfie with him. Such a nice guy and very humble. Love his positivity, God bless him.
The internet can make someone’s life a whole lot different
I love how at 2:20 it’s him taking photos with fans and people who recognise him but then there’s just randomly a pic with him and a dinosaur.
This old guy: Is old Shutterstock: He’s the chosen one
Nobody should ever use him in a vulgar/rude meme ever again. He is way too wholesome for all that.
I’m glad that when people realized he was an actual person, and not photoshopped, people took down the bad memes.
This meme is the definition of 2020: Just hide the pain
I kinda feel bad for him. He was probably really worried, I’m glad that he accepted it at what it is.
Poor guy! For a while he really was hiding his pain of being mocked. I'm glad he's getting the respect he deserves!
How to be a meme: 1: be a shutterstock photo 2: wait
Johnny Sins: I'm a doctor, teacher, personal trainer... Harold: Hold my pain.
This guy: Has an awkward smile The internet: He is the chosen one.
0:16 - Truly a professional electrical engineer with a specialty in lighting technology moment
if anything happens to this man in 2020 we're building a time machine
"It's a role given to me by the Internet People"
He's the grandpa that we never knew we needed in our lives-
"So I made a reverse image search" This man is more tech savvy than 90% of seniors I know.