
i loved how Earl brought back wonder to his brother.


Wow! This is as light heartedly funny as it is tragically revealing of the human condition.


The official human slogan: β€œLet’s poke it with a stick!”


Yea..... yea we is. Well done and great music score. Bravo


I did the voice of the baseball announcer on the radio in this film. I channeled my "inner Ernie Harwell!" The producers did an incredible job all around, great performances from the lead actors, excellent score and cinematography.


Thank you for giving me a good laugh. It is a great script and well acted. Way better than some multi million pound budget movies.


We are all astronauts. A beautiful message.


The best part of this is that the women were all acting only slightly odd, and it is up to your interpretation to decide if they are actually human or not. You get the idea they may have been aliens but if they were, they were used to masquerading as humans. All that's really important in the end is that these two characters are incredibly endearing.


"Your cooperation, though mandatory, is appreciated".  Slayed it


Its funny how some movies need 3 hours to tell a story. This one was done in 15 minutes and was better! Simple story, characters you cared about and a plot that comes back around that hits you in the feels to complete the story. Yall did a great job!


It is amazing how people can come up with really nice films here on YouTube yet, there is so much garbage in the theaters that we have to pay for.  GOOD WORK!


That's right, We are all astronauts of The Star Ship Earth.  I think about this all the time.


"We's all astronauts!"  One thought brilliantly brought to life.


"We're sittin' on a front seat of a planet -- shootin' it's way all across space 🌌... " Very nice.


I can now die happy knowing I've seen an encounter with aliens involving the phrase, "Maybe you should poke it with a stick." (laughing)


I like the fact that Earl has a hat for relaxing, listening to the radio and a work hat for chasing off alien trespassers yet both hats are nearly identical.


At last - a sci-fi movie with no "enigmatic" ending, just a proper short story. EXCELLENT.


Oh and I know it was a short presentation but that had the structure for a much longer film. Really enjoyed it. Thanks and Kudos to all envolved


This film is enjoyable, but that score is absolutely beautiful.


Being a guy that loves space and knows he will never reach it. That speech to his brother hit home. Thank you.