
I can't believe there was no sin for Abigail trying to pet the hog. I mean a counselor that works on a camp in a forest should have at least the basic knowledge that you don't pet baby hogs, because there will be a mother nearby. That pissed me off so much.


"an albino big White wolf" looks like every other werewolf in this game


The thing that I hate about the quarry is that the game kept trying to set up characters relationships just for them to not be a thing in the end smh.


That bit where Dylan is trying to send out an SOS message in the radio hut was actually mostly improvised by Dylan's actor.


Eliza felt terribly underutilized in the game. Unlike the previous horror hosts, she was not just a commentator or a mental projection, but an actual character unto herself. She had an agenda. She wanted to push you toward a certain path, killing the Hacketts and sparing Silas. What a fascinating twist that could have been, if they had been more subtle about it. Imagine going through the game following her advice, only to find that in the end you got a whole bunch of the counselors killed too. And then knowing that if you played again, she'd actually be actively working against you. You'd have to watch her advice carefully to know what not to do, and try to work out your own path.

She could have done so much more. Her ghost shows up multiple times throughout the game, but all she does is look creepy while whispering a few unspecific messages on the phone and saying people's names. What if there was a way you could have found out that she was the one who put the idea in Caleb and Kaylee's heads that they should be able to run free once all the kids and counselors were gone after the end of camp? What if she was the one who clued Chris in on what happened to Laura and Max? Perhaps by making his phone glitch and replay Laura's message?

On another note, it's sad that the final lodge battle is so limited in its scope after the game takes the time to build it up. Only Caleb actually attacks. It is well known by now that the best way to allow certain characters to live is to get them infected and then wait for them to disappear for the story. What if there was a cost to doing it that way, though? If you had to also survive against Nick, Dylan, and so on, depending on who got infected.


35:30 The biggest Flaw: The Hacketts had ELETRCIS FENCE-CELLS and an ENTIRE POLICE STATION with Cells... and they locked Chris witch 2 tiny Chains in the Attic?????


One of the biggest sin is when they go to the junkyard, trying to fix the van, you see them open car hoods clearly looking for some parts. ( either for a fuel line or the rotor arm ) ( Kaitlyn would know because she's the one telling Jacob removing those parts would render a car useless )

Then you find the car in great condition, ( lights are still on  ) you get attacked by the werewolf, the car gets dropped, and now undrivable. But they don't even check the hood! For the parts they came to the junkyard for lol! They just leave, I was speechless at the screen, jaw on the floor.


i think emma might have been making fun of jacob for saying "wheel-barrel" instead of wheelbarrow. there's just no way she had no idea what a wheel barrow is and the writers that was a worth while line to include


The 911 situation annoyed me too. I can't fathom the idea of someone, especially camp councilors not knowing how to use 911.


a few thoughts:
- the moment they mentioned that the summer camp is two months long and you realize that a full moon happens typically every 29 days, the story falls apart. 
- this has been going on for SIX YEARS and they STILL don't have a sure-fire way to control the family members who turn on a full moon. even with electrified fences that they put nick into but let the others run free???
- they've been looking for silas for six-ish years and never once thought to look in the place where his home burned down. 
- the characters become useless after they pass their possible death scene. 
- the plot with jacob sabotaging the car goes nowhere and is never mentioned again. 
- apparently the streamer mode to use non-copyright music doesn't work. it's all copyright music.
- the podcast at the end is awful.


I felt like they released this game earlier than what they should have. Not only because of the various glitches but also because the story seemed incomplete. Until dawn was a masterpiece, but this really felt short of expectations. Also, when they bragged about how many unique endings there were and then it all turned out to just be different variations of a podcast, that was super disappointing. I had hoped that we would get something a little bit more.


It would be a mediorce ending, but the game developers should have allowed for an “ending” where you could have walked through the woods and back to the main road


The corpse is one of the missing hikers. There are also a “no swimming” sign and rule for no one to jump into the lake while they’re canoeing.


I'm surprised that you didn't sin the fact that: 
-Kaylee is impossible to save while you can save Caleb 
-If Ryan is bitten by Laura, Werewolf Chris will still kill him. 
-That despite finding evidence that the Hackett's spent thousands on electrified cages, it doesn't explain why neither Chris, Caleb, nor Kaylee put themselves in there and why Chris used chains in the same house the electrified cages are.  
-Never explains why Silas was a werewolf to begin with. 
-The purpose of the Hackett family tree and legacy if the events that caused this happened 6 years prior. (Unless there was something I missed that made a further connection to the gypsy women.)


The thing that takes points away is how relatively calm everyone is about the situation. Like they're not calm but they're definitely not as afraid as they should be lol


More people probably know Ariel Winter and Brenda Song than Justice Smith.


I like the idea of the Hackett's being long time victims of the curse and being desperate to end it, but the game falls flat since only Chris and Sheriff Rami are even remotely sympathetic. Caleb and Kaylee are barely characters and all we know about them is that they're dumb as rocks while Jeb and the grandparents just come off as Psychotic (tho I do appreciate the point about them being somewhat justified in attacking Laura and Ryan after they broke in and killed Constance). 
I think exploring the family and how different members cope with the curse is super interesting and wish the game did more with that


The one thing that really bugged me about this curse stuff, is that if a full moon is every month, and camp has been happening for two months....why all the hullabaloo at the end of camp??? This curse is STUPIDLY MANAGEABLE, WHY ALL THE PANIC. WHY IS THERE CAMP IN THE FIRST PLACE

Edit: 27:38 and 28:59 holy shit he actually talked about it, thank you! No one i watched picked up on that and it drove me nuts! Thank you!


9:48 Literally all you'd have to do is end camp a night or two earlier. Then that way if something DOES go wrong, you have time to figure out a plan to get everyone to safety. It seems maybe the entire Hackett family lacks common sense.


I felt the biggest sin was not allowing to skip cutscenes (after completing it at least)