A little short for a branded guide, I usually prefer it 20hours min
hi, i just started i think 2 weeks ago only. Only level 17, been climbing the rank and duelist cup lvl 14 with branded despia., I have been using this deck and was facing lvl 34s and above with 60-70% winning rate., can’t believe I am defeating them. Thanks for your tips. hopefully more uploads in the future with caption perhaps. I love your guide and tips.!!
Currently using a list close to this and LOVING it
Been running branded Buster bladed for the board locks it’s not that consistent but I just love Buster Blader, but definitely going to build this for more consistency towards branded
To better explain the relationship between LADD and Branded Lost, LADD is a negate for card activations, but not effect activation(except for monster effects). Branded Lost being already face up on field makes for a spell effect activation, not a spell card activation, so LADD doesn’t interact in any way.
I'm getting back into the game after 10 years and decided to try out branded as it looks like a cool archetype (it's been tough to learn lol). There are so many different deck builds that I have no clue which way to go about it. Is super poly any good anymore? It's one of the URs i crafted thinking it was a must so kind of forced to play it at this point 😭
Thanks bro
Could you make a list to play Branded with Handtraps in TCG? I feel really bad about the match against Maliss, letting them play freely, going second with a boardbreaking build?
Hi! I've seen some success by playing your list, thank you! Anyways, i have a question: should I go blind second with this one? I'm sorry if you already said that during the video but I didn't really cought that if that's the case, i just understood that you won most of the times when going second. Thanks in advance! (I'm real Sorry for my subpar english, I'm not a native speaker)
Well I was wondering if a Retaliating "C" could work together.
Would crossout be good on this list ?
what do you think about branded regain??
Uka is unsearchable and bricks if your opponent doesn't play Light. probability of both having it in hand and meeting the requirements is abysmal. even in the graveyard it doesn't do anything. maybe I'm missing something, but seems suboptimal in a 60 card list.
Sorry to say it but the Gizmek idea is in theory fine but I've found that 75% of the time is a brick. Also, you're facing most of the time fields with Apo+Baronne+Ilia Silvia+Desirae. Taking this into account, you'll need a build that is full of board breakers: Super Poly+Droplet+Evenly+DRNM
Great video! I am trying to make this deck but I don’t have the gems so sacrifices must be made, could anyone tell me what I should get first as I get the gems? I am missing 13 cards. They are: Effect veiler x1 Mulcharmy x3 Bystial lubellion x2 Gold sarc x2 Grass x1 Imperm x2 Savage dragon x1 Sanctifier x1 Thank you for any help!