10. Love Life 9. Legendary 8. Raised by Wolves 7. Close Enough 6. Generation 5. Made for Love 4. It’s a sin 3. Doom Patrol 2. Search Party 1. The Flight Attendant
I love how Kaley Cuoco is instantly moving away from the "dumb blonde" Penny persona. I actually love The Flight Attendant. The imagery and deeper meanings is incredible
Doom Patrol is amazing and seriously deserves more recognition.
Infinity Train is one of the most brilliant and groundbreaking cartoons in recent memory. Watch it!
The Flight Attendant is simultaneously hilarious, stressful, scary, tragic, and sexy. Wazupwitdat? And Kaley Cuoco continues to be all kinds of HOTNESS!! 📺😄💔
1) Infinity Train. Watch it! WATCH IT!
I gonna say The Doom Patrol is the funniest,awesome and interesting tv show of Dc universe in all the time in HBO Max and this tv show of Dc make you interesting and excited
Damn straight The Flight Attendant is number one. I've never been so stressed and angry by a main character in so long
Doom Patrol he is the coolest,funniest and awesome tv show of Dc universe in all the time and is based the old team of Superheroes named The Doom Patrol
The second i read the video title, i just knew Close Enough and Doom Patrol would be on this list!!!!
HARLEY QUINN?! That show is so hilarious.
This is a pretty good list, but I'm disappointed that Infinity Train and Warrior were excluded. Both shows are TOP TIER productions and desperately in need of viewership.
I 100% agree with the Top 2! Doom Patrol is just... I mean, it's hard to describe, but the Cast, the acting, the storylines, the soundtrack and the overall look/designs of the show are amazing! I definitely recommend! Also, I was positive that I was going to hate the Flight Attendant, but I almost immediately became hooked. Kaley Cuoco is perfect. Perfect. That is the only word I need to describe the performance she gives in this program! Another definite recommendation!!
Infinity Train and Summer Camp Island deserve watches!!!
I agree with this list, but I think that Warner Bros's Titans, HBO Europe's Beforeigners tv series and DC's Harley Quinn should have definitely been on there.
Woww that's good am watching all the way from Kenya (Africa)
What HBO Max show are YOU watching? Let us know below!
The Nevers, shows a lot of promise. 👍🏻
You know else who loves “Close Enough”,MY MOM!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!