Thanks for the video n the connector link!!!!
Hey looks like you sold out on eBay? Any chance you're wiling to sell the CAD model?
Thanks for the video, I’m looking to do this to my Pro and Ultra. I do have some questions, what’s the purpose of running the top three pins through the centre when there’s holes for them on the board? Also veteran miner said the boards +/- is reversed for his setup, is that the case for yours? Sorry for the questions, trying to learn as I go, I’m in Australia so can’t really send it to you for the job 😅
Do you have a part number for a replacement barrel plug? I had a regular psu go bad and was testing the unit with a 6 pin to barrel plug and forgot and left it on and melted the center pin.
Hey! Sick work. My only concern is - original power units provide 19-20V while the PCI 6-pin is 12V - so you would need plenty more amps to feed the same amount of Watts, thus - requiring thicker cables/PCB paths etc. Doesn't this negate the whole idea of the conversion? Other than that - I was planning to do something similar and combine several PS0s into a single power supply and this way bring down the electrical losses for each individual laptop PSU that currently feeds my machines and maybe optimize a bit my electric bill...
I still have an old Bitmain S9i power supply with exactly these connectors. Can I just use that for this?
Was this mine?😎