13:15 "There is not a single keyboard worth spending that amount of money on" Keyboard enthusiasts: ...
It’s worth noting that players like BTMC and khz who say they don’t get much benefit out of wooting mostly see no benefit because they’ve been practicing timing and stamina for years and years on a specific keyswitch, and they’ve gotten extremely comfortable at those play styles. if btmc playing speed like 260-270+ i’m fairly confident he’d see a big improvement too
As a high ranked 4 digits who never really been good at speed, i can confirm that it helped me a lot with it, got from doing B's on fast bursts maps to FC's with more than 97% with the wooting, after a month of use. I would recommend the keyboard if you already have a lot of experience in osu and actually need to switch keyboard, but don't expect to get good instantly with it, like ed said, you need to relearn a little to make a big step forward
I like these new style of videos, his content is becoming more versatile and diverse and I hope I get to see more of these videos
The rapid trigger keypad was the first thing that came to mind after seeing the wooting's price, especially if you are not in america or europe. Hope to see this product in the market sometime.
The tapping early is also because the wooting firmware is a lot faster than standard keyboards, for example with "tachyon mode" on it's less than 1ms compared to 9-20ms for other keyboards
Its wooting time
Okay. Got it. 1. Affordable OSU! device 2. Stock 3. Find ways to improve end of press play 👇 hmm Have you tried with actuation point (e.g.) to 3.5mmm with 0.1mm rapid trigger? Then you'd have actuation at highest point of feedback and with rapid trigger you can still vibro rapid trigger at the end. 👀
I loved the part when BTMC said “it’s wooting time” and wooted all over the place. Really inspiring
4:36 average ford starting up in the morning on a cold day
4:50 im glad lorna shore is finally getting more recognition I love their music
"60% form factor" shows a 75% form factor, the pain inside of me.
actually banger video, loves this style of editing. Keep it up ed! Also, it's a great video when BTMC himself finally join the "it's wooting time" trend
I think a keypad is exactly what could be the best thing that a lot of people want. I think if it where priced right, let’s say like $40 it could be a game changer, or $90 for something like a razer nostromo (for fps and moba players). I feel like the biggest problem with most keypads is that it doesn’t make sense to me how someone is going to pay 30-40 dollars for two keys when for less you could just get an actual mechanical keyboard, but if something like a rapid trigger keypad comes out I feel like there’s an actual reason as to why you’d be able to price it around that since there’s actually something different you’d be getting.
4:22 cloutiful method
I thought the title was "Truth about utami" But I opened the video and it's about wooting
4:36 the foreshadowing is real
4:40 how did edward know
SHI- This is one entertaining vid cannot lie to you ed. Enjoyable watch <3