"Watching this makes me want to pack my bags and go right now! 🎒✈"
Absolutely wonderful video. Thank you. Excellent, friendly, narration. Many blessings to you.
what a wonderful video. makes me want to visit 'the stans'. thank you for your marvelous work!
Muito bom o documentário! Parabéns! Belas fotografias! Fiquei curioso sobre o porquê da passagem pelo Turcomenistão ter sido tão curta se comparada aos demais... 🤭 E a também sobre a ausência da Mongólia nessa viagem. Inclusive é bem interessante como o interior do Quirguistão e do Tadjiquistão se parece muito com o povo mongol 🤌🏼
What a great documentary video😍 Thank you for bringing us to central Asia, such a wonderful and interesting places😍
Love the video, but one thing I would love is some sort of map graphic showing your progress as you go. It helps to remind of geography which doesn't always come immediately to mind.
Lovely work again! What an interesting region :)
Amazing! Thank you for sharing. Very interesting Region cause of Civilization & Culture. The nature is beautiful. I will really visit Ubekistan in the future... Best Wishes from STOCKHOLM - SWEDEN :virtualhug::yougotthis: 🌲🌲🌲
I can't imagine that you shot this video recently, since, the cars in the video are so old. It's so shocking. It is such a lovely video
Very well made, you have covered almost all the major cities of central Asian countries. Did you hire a tour operator there? Thanks
As always your video is great with so many images full of respect of the countries your visiting. Thank you again !!!!!
Like ur video and really expect chance to Central Asia
Very very Nice vidéo Thanks!respect.
Beautiful video. Thank you for sharing.
The visuals and storytelling here truly bring the magic of Central Asia to life. Amazing job! 🐪🏞🌟
i love your travel videos thanks
Awesome documentary ❤❤