
Pure nostalgia. As a 34 year old man who grew with pokemon thank you


So peaceful and nostalgic, it makes my heart ache - in an era where there was no need for world-ending plots, just the journey.


That first image hit me hard. Because I have this distinct old memory of the time i took my Game Boy Color and Pokemon Gold on a camping trip with my parents. I was allowed to stay up after they went to sleep, playing Pokemon with that little curly light that plus into the link cable port, and that image of camping with one's Pokemon is exactly how that felt.


Currently playing Pokemon Crystal for the first time as adult, I was only ever able to play Gen 1. This playlist made the journey so far such an incredible one


That's The Dream, Camping In The Wild With Your Pokemon. Love This Generation So Much.


As a 90s kid you made my soul happy. Images combined with that music is pure nostalgia makes wanna cry for the innocent years as I was a kid back then and the only concerns were to catch train battle and trade Pokémon!🙏


Gen 2 I spent hundreds of hours on. This music is my childhood, and my soul is soothed hearing these tones again.


Perfect music to study and reflect on how the time has passed. Thank you! And to all my fellow "same-gen" (I'm almost 34)  people, I send y'all a big hug!!


SoulSilver was the first pokemon game that I ever played and was the first game I ever bought myself. After all these years I still have the same copy. So many hours put into it. When I think of my childhood it is accompanied by the many songs of SS. It feels like home in an odd sense.


It's nice to see that I'm not the only one here struggling with trying to reignite that sense that we had as kids man.... playing my gameboy in the living room on a rainy day.... sitting in the grass in the back yard exploring kanto.... our only fears were of the dark and monsters in movies.... we felt real, nonsynthetic joy back then..... now look at us... fearful of our own mortality, of our finances, our place in the world, crazy people on the street or on the other side of the world..... and here we are, friends, laying here in bed with our headphones on trying for even a split second to feel it again... it feels so close... like a yawn or a sneeze that just won't quite come to the surface..... im so unbearably numb friends..... I just wanna play pokemon in my back yard again.


Finally one dedicated to the best gen


dude, I am feeling it so deep in my heart, am not usually affected by nostalgia, this hits me in just the right spot


Hello, as someone who started playing pokemon in gen2 at age 5 i would like to thank you for this work, keep it up, i like it so much


Such lovely music ❤
Keep up the good work!


Ive been listening to different pokemon lofi lists for a while now and this is by far the best one yet. Great tracks and length. Thank you for putting it together.


johto was the best generation, i looked so forward to playing silver, silver was my favorite because i could get meowth 🪙


Depressed everything is literally falling apart at the seams. I’m hanging on by a thread. This and some candles burning in the dark bring me some peace.


These illustrration are astonishing, they feel so cozy and heart-warming


I need a playlist of this on Spotify or something, this is great


Its hard times... Pokemon really is saving me from severe depression... We supposed to be in peace.... With honest and kind people around.... Seems everyone is beyond egoist nowadays...