
"this is actually good news for quentin lance because he does his best acting when one of his daughters dies... that's why they have it happen at least once a season"  that line is savage :D keep up the good work


"You can blame the flash for that one"



I died when he said "Laurel's like wait a second, you are telling me that the League of Assassins has a magic jacuzzi that can bring people back to life" lmaooo


"well shes wearing a blonde wig, to cover up her blonde hair, huh its sarah lance!"


The real question: how can this guy talk so enthusiastic for 30 minutes


This recap made me realize how ridiculous the show became as seasons passed from it's intial first seasons


Man of Recaps: No one actually dies 
Tommy: Am I a joke to you


I feel like you just saved me 10,000 hours of actually watching this show.  Thumbs up.


I've heard of recaps, but this was a Super Recap .  Well done.


blonde wig to cover up blonde hair.. i'm dead


One of my favorite moments is when Moriah Queen died. Not because her character was used as a puppet for Merlin, but because of Slade's respect for her before killing her. Slade didn't want to but knew for the sake of his revenge and damage Oliver, he did what he believed he had to at the time.


He wasn't kidding when saying that no one dies in this show, lol. I am so glad I watched it. This series is an amazing project.


"That's some really GOOD TEA !" looooool


I never understood why Sara wore a blond wig when she had blond hair lol


6:05 No one really dies in this series. I couldn't stop laughing


Having never watched an episode of this show, I am blown away at how great this recap was. Thank you so much!




So you reupload all the old vids, cut them together and got a sponsorship. Collect that check dude


Me: Accidentally dislikes this video

Arrow: You Have Failed This City