Muzan: “I’ll never be punished for my actions.” Yoriichi: *literally makes the next 500 years a pain in the ass for Muzan
He was sent a heavenly beatdown
He literally diagnosed the Demon king with severe PTSD
Ultimately failed??? Nahh he gave Muzan a reality check and that’s a win
Yoriichi be asking the gods to send tanjiro down to give muzan 7 heart attacks
So the gods flat out said "Say Less"
The gods wanted Muzan to be traumatized for a bit before they finished him off😂
So the Gods sent Yoriichi to not be able to kill him but give him depression and PTSD so he can suffer for hundreds of years is crazy.
Muzan:f u gods Gods: behold centuries of suffering, & a miserable fate to a hard headed brat with every virtue that u lack
Yoriichi is like a "try again bitch" to muzan from god
Muzan Jackson literally moonwalked out of here safely😂😂
Muzan: you aint shit. Gods: check yourself before you wreck yourself boi
"Everyone creates the thing they dread, men of peace create engines of war, invaders create avengers. " - Ultron
the gods didnt let yoriichi finish muzan so he can suffer from ptsd😂
Bro every time I'm reminded of yoroichi I just can't fathom how much of a beast he is. Like it took hours of fighting,the entire demon slayers corps,people acting as human shields,poisons and preplanning and still the only real plan was to hold out until the sun comes up. But yoroichi literally just pulled up to muzan and cut him down,no planning,no backup,nothing to weaken him.
"He was the one who you sent to kill the fucking boogyman."
The gods literally gave Muzan the human who could defeat him, even at the end of the series near his death he could only remember Yoriichi as "I'm not a monster. You were the monster."
* Muzan cursing Buddha * Buddha : Aight another sun wu kong typa beat aga-- Sun god : don't worry homie, he's in my neighborhood, i gotchu
Yorichii was my favorite. I really liked his calm and kind attitude because from what we saw even though his life was tragic he never stopped moving forward or let it get in his way and he never carried any hate towards anybody even demons from what we can tell. Really sad they did him like that.