
Linus as a teacher.
And this class was brought to you by MaxBlow Portable AC!
Take the coolness with you when you leave!


Even the shorts are sponsored


Imagining my life… without todays sponsor


The fact that even LTT shorts are sponsored is crazy


That’s a crazy description 🤣 I opened the video thinking “he got hacked again”
Media manager deserve a raise for the high level clickbait


that notif got my heart sinking man geez


Let's help Linus achieve his dream



I’m a buyer for a big paint company. It’s fun the pay is fine but I think overall it’s not very rewarding. You can save a million bucks from one meeting and you get nothing extra for it. It’s basically reverse sales with no commission lol


that last frame is INSANE


A sponsor on a short is diabolical.


As an NCIX product manager at the counter:
And these two GTX 1080s were brought to you by Linus Tech T-
Customer: What?
Linus: Oh, just a phase.


Having linus as a teacher would be epic


Pregnant Linus is not real and can not hurt you!!!!!


We got sponsored shorts before GTA VI


Sales Linus would be evil Linus
The kind of man that can sell a sponsor spot on a short would be a nuclear strike on anyone's wallet


The ad that I was flashbang'd with at the end really summarizes your life nicely


To think it's been that long since Linus blew up.  I've been following him since his time at NCIX.  He went from a small time guy to the biggest tech personality on YouTube.  Linus must be worth millions of dollars by now.


I can’t imagine Linus as a teacher


Weird he doesn’t mention being a painter anymore


I love how they lean so heavily into the sponsors knowing everyone thinks it’s wild.

So funny😂