
Thank you so much sir. You're our great teacher. We love you,
Paul from Nigeria πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬


1st tym smjh aya h clearly kisi teacher ka πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜…


Thanks Sir, Your delivering method is so great


Thanku sir
Very helpful videoπŸ™πŸ™


Sir kindly make video on carbohydrates and lipid Digestion and absorption.
A humble request!


Outstanding teaching sir.


Everyone looking his teaching .... While i ... Bro his hand writing 😯😯


Sir, your lectures are so good!! I love your way of teaching!!


Thanking you so much sir.
Understood fastly πŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ


Sir isme Krna kya h.har ek enzyme k liye alag alag protein yad rakhne h kya


You made learning so easy.❀


Thank you sir for ur efforts ❀


Great sir


Sir how many Na+ comes inside the membrane in indirect energy use sir 
Ur explanation makes me understand in easy way 
Very glad to see ur videos sir


❀❀❀ very nice. Hope for complete lectures sir


Sir please add... digestion and absorption of lipid...


Endocrine system alla hormone video update sir and nanotechnology and bioinformatics video update sir


Sir pl Poorna Biochem Ka updated video in good quality Bana dijiye


Sir, If adults don't have Renin how is milk digested in adults..kindly explain.