
You should do a Donut because of how iconic it is with blender tutorials


And that’s the way the cookie renders.


please never stop making fast videos like these. This was straight to the point, learned something new and the end result is awesome


Bro I can’t even nearly make a simple top hat and this man just made something sooo incredibly realistic like this man is insanely skilled!!!


that oreo is more realistic than a real oreo


Man your render skills are crazy!


“As much as your computer can handle”

Me still attempting to add a singular circle on the Potato PC.💀


"I mined a little off camera-"

An entire backround:


"Then subdivide it as much as your computer can handle" my computer: 🚁


It looks more realistic than reality


Blender light mode users don't exist , they can't hurt you.

Blender light mode users:


Blender is actually such a blessing


THANK YOU SO MUCH for informing me about the Displacement Modifier!! Now I can automatically generate runways from any airport on Earth straight in Blender! Thank you, thank you, thank you DOVOLO!! Much love!!!


Dam those are sum nice meta balls, I love how they stick together…


Hey, i learned this stuff in university. However I couldnt find a Job and had a mental breakdown (not only because of the job thing).
I know am unable to work and I can turn to getting Therapy.

What I wanted to say is, i stopped drawing and 3D when i got mentally really bad and especially for 3D i have a deep frustration and anxiety to even touch it, cause my brain connects it to the experience of not getting a Job and not being good enough.

I recently found your Shorts. I feel like they help me fighting my anxiety because you show me how simple alot of stuff is, where I usually get panicky because i yet lack the right thinking how to model things.

Thanks. Im hoping to at least getting back to it as a Hobby, because i enjoy it.


Your videos make such 3d projects look super easy. It is definitely not that easy lol


since you made a beaker for day 9, we need a bunsen burner


This makes me proud of the reality i live in. Born on the right moment to experience this beauty, 3D rendered Oreos. The advancements we acomplished on the last 500 years... I was born at the spot where i see science's development accelerating more ane more, and will probably get faster and faster.

I don't know what the future holds for us, but i can clearly see it's beautiful...


"then I power on the difjugnliolator and plug that into the bugnedsifier and we're all done!"


You showed an interesting and easy way to create something that looks difficult. Great work