
Very blessed she has everything available with a vast land she can make money out of it everyday ...
Also I admire her zealousness and  simplicity.


Very seldom to see a child of that age who can already be helpful and smart to assist her mom. She's sweet and the little boy I love to see his smile. ❤


Мать двоих детей поправилась, жить с детьми полегчало…!!!  Но мясо в последнее время не видно на столе…!!!


Chuc and kids good evening love to see that you include the little girl in the harvesting of brocoli. She will learn to work at an early age.  This is good even if she goes to school later on. She will know how to harvest her own land when she grows up. You are doing well Chuc setting such a good example for those  kids to follow. Chuc you are showing those kids that if you want something in life it takes hard work to get it. Thank you Chuc for sharing your harvest with your followers like me in your beautiful Vietnam😊Take care🎉


Hola Duong, siempre te he defendido con respecto a los niños porque creo que les das mucho amor , pero veo que ganas mucho dinero vendiendo cada día y también con los videos que subes a YouTube, pero sigo viendo que los niños comen poca carne, verdura o huevos y están creciendo y necesitan comer de todo. Tampoco veo que compres gel o jabón para bañarles y es muy necesario que huelan limpitos y solo con agua no es suficiente. Te agradezco todo lo que haces por estos angelitos pero me gustaría ver que te esmeras en su alimentación y aseo. Te envio un abrazo para los tres ❤️😘


Mandiin pke sabun  biar wangi dan bersih❤


Enjoy watching your video. Please you soap when giving baths to kids ❤


Minha querida essas crianças são maravilhosas, mais te aconselho fazer um pouco de proteínas ou verduras pra elas. Só arroz contém pouco vitaminas. Cozinha ovos , mistura na papinha .  Não me leve a mal , só digo pela saúde das crianças. 😍😘


Use soap for them to get cleaned and shampoo


Первый раз вижу как купают детей, мальчику и голову вымыли и тело помыли, а девочке голову почему то мыть не стала, и мне кажется купать на улице холодно, то они одеты в теплые курточки и вдруг голенькие сидят в тазике, они же замёрзнут.


It is nice to see that other ladies from the market also support Duong and little ones ❤


Bea is ever so cute. Love you to bits & kisses😘😘


Hello please buy shampoo and soap when you take a bath the children.


Parabéns mulher guerreira seus filhos estão lindos a Bee vai ir pra ESCOLA


A bee tá muito feliz com o banho a alegria d can é contagiante q não quiseram nem sair das bacia que bom 😅


Ya me imagino como quedan oliendo después de su baño con pura agua a puro pollo remojado😂😂


Incredible mother you are ! 👍


Esos niños son felices…y su madre muy trabajadora…Dios la siga bendiciendo ❤


큰애 머리를 제대로 감겨야 합니다
머리 묶은거 풀러서 비누나샴푸 를 이용해서 감기고 몸도 씻겨야지 제대로 빗질도 않하는것 같던데
머리에 이가 생길것 같네요  둘째야 머리숱도 별로없고 하니 맑은물에 씻긴다 하더라도 두애 모두
비누라도 사용하여 씻어주길 바랍니다


Ну как можно детей кормить рисом , сваренным на воде и не положить хоть масло , бедные детки 😢😢😢