No robots were actually hurt in the making of this video Human definitely were though
I started losing it when Wren brought out the whip This was one of your funniest videos. The cgi is amazingly done as well
Centuries later, a revolutionary robot explains to its followers: "Yes, this is how humans treated us"
Robro: T-poses Me: This is all i expected and more.
"no robots were harmed in the making of this film"
Finally a robot ready to deliver packages in my neighborhood
I noticed after this video came out, the real Boston Dynamics stopped making videos showing them hitting robots with hockey sticks and instead started making cutsie videos showing the robots dancing and interacting with humans. I think they finally realised everyone was siding with the robots.
Grandson: "How did the robot revolution start?" Me: "Well it all started with a typical game of catch that just sort of escalated quickly."
The number of people that are posting this on twitter and the comments thinking it's real it's astonishing. The CGI is really well done!
"We...We didn't train you to use a gun..." "Well Wren, you didn't train me to hold a grudge either, but here we are."
*Century later Random robot : look on what they did to our ancestor!
Not gonna lie, they had us the first half... Seriously amazing VFX. Well done
My dad thought this was real and showed it to me. I immediately recognize the actors and told him it was fake. still cracks me up.
I legit at first thought this was real Boston Dynamics. You guys are amazing.
I like how the robot has fingerless sphere hands the entire video up until the gun part in which he suddenly has a hand piece that perfectly fits the gun.
One day this footage will be used against humanity
News articles in one hour: BREAKING NEWS: Robot cruelty caught on camera
Whipping a robot? This cant be true lmao.... DAMN YOU FOOLED ME.
Can we take a moment to appreciate how much work was put into this video?