
Now this is an emote I would really regret not copping.


Am I the only one that noticed during the new years celebrations in New York, the artist for this emote was performed and like 5 other emotes that recently came out were performed as well?


Is this bossa nova? Unique song choice imo and dance is nice


I knew it was laufey, her voice sounded so familiar


This emote was literally made for the Xenomorph


Thats my favorite laufey song.


i regret so bad not buying this one.


Yall I'm new to Fortnite but what does the code do? Do they make the price more cheaper?


People who knew the song before fortnite made a emote:


Fridday why with chung li


Is it still in the item shop


Me: sings From the start to a coworker I liked but quitted AND stopped responding to me
Fornite: take the L releases this emote


insanely good song but the dance is...yikes.


Their has been no variety in emotes this season ๐Ÿ˜‚








Pause at 0:05 and sniff the screen