
Decades ago my mom’s uncle found what I believe is a Mastodon tusk in southern Minnesota. I saw it in 1994 in a clear tube. It was very straight and white. The exterior looked like the surface of a bar of soap with layers flaking off. My mom’s uncle had tried to sell it and it had a $10,000 price tag on it. That uncle passed in 1994 and his son told me he was donating it to a museum.


we can't forget that by the time Egyptians were buidling the giant pyramids, there were still mamooths on the Earth.


Okay, so somehow mammoths are brought back.  They aren't browsers like elephants, they're grazers.  Where are you going to put them where there's enough space AND enough grass?  And what is going to teach them to be mammoths?  Instincts isn't going to be enough for them to be mammoths.  Elephants have to be taught by other elephants; herd dynamics and sociability, when to migrate, etc.  Just because it might be possible to bring back something that looks like a mammoth doesn't mean it's a good idea.


As a child, 60 years ago, I wondered about how the Mammoth went extinct. As stated in this program, there WERE plenty of other game for our ancestors to live on. It always seemede to me, the climate might have played a big part. It always makes sense that population decrease creates inbreeding and as WE humans know inbreeding causes a whole buch of other problems. The earth had to be so over populated for OUR ancestors to have contributed to their demise. Humans at that time, were barely surviving with what they had. 
I, like many of us out here, love this animal but, selfishly, Humans were not the cause of their demise. Nature, WHO has another name, chooses who survives. Humanity, just happened to to up for that survival. Beautiful video. THANK YOU.


I wish the music of documentaries was not so intense. It used to be peaceful. Even shark week sucks now because they weave movie traileresque type music thru out. I turn so many documentaries off because of this.


I’m more interested in the second to last mammoth. Nobody ever talks about him. Poor guy!!


When i was serving out in Kenya, i asked the rangers what happened to the poachers they caught.  None made it court!


Well done. Nicely done.  I wish you well.


They already caused  interbreeding with the SE USA cougar and the Florida  Panther since the Florida sub species was so interbred that they were almost sterile.  It seems that the last mammoths suffered from interbreeding as well .


You can have the reverse on the same island. Gigantism happens with small animals, and dwarfism happens with large. You should look at some of the island animals in the South Pacific 100K years ago. 
Like on Floresiensis island with the hobbits. 
They include the giant rat, Komodo dragon, Marabou stork, large vulture and Stegodon (a primitive type of elephant). While the giant rat and Komodo dragon still exist in Flores today, the Marabou stork, large vulture and Stegodon are now extinct, disappearing around the same time as the Hobbit.


let us clone the northern white rhino


This is an exceptional documentary: in this intriguing and very well written topic, all the facets of these mighty beasts were exhaustive presented and all the images were stunning. I wish all documentaries I see, doesn't matter the investigated subject, were made with the same accuracy. 
Just great: Bravi! I recommend anyone to watch it with the utmost attention, it would be just a pleasure of the mind ...


There are reports by at least 2 different Hudson Bay Company factors that they had accompanied natives on successful mammoth hunts in the late 1600's. I believe that the hunts were in the part of northern Quebec just east of Hudson Bay. Louis L'Amour claimed to have either the originals or photocopies of the journals where this was recorded. Also, early trappers in the general region of Yellowstone reported that the tribes locally claimed to have hunted a large furry animal within the last few generation and when pressed for details had described what could only have been mammoths. I believe it was in his comments about his book Jubal Sacket.


Can't look after the animals we already got!


This feels like something written by a mammoth


I was delighted that I understood all the measurements you described the mammoths and elephants having.


Looks like the island dwarfing happened to humans, too, on that Indonesian island.


1:29 how did you add that effect to the like button. Thats cool


“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could.. they didn’t stop to think if they should.”


It shouldn't be a case of can we, it should be a case of should we do it. It's a very different climate from when they were roaming the world.