i have this scooter and i dont even use the breaks, as for those who talks about the tires, i dont know wtf you are driving on but i ride mine hard and on crap roads, yet i have 0 issues with it. I dont understand why so many people get flats with their scooter.. Maybe being a mountain biker also helps with my stance and i also use my knee's a lot on bumps
Classy preview! You've got some polished content!
Do you have any issues with the stem's welding near the secure ring?
You failed to mention that Apollo dropped the hydraulic brake option and now you van only buy mechanics
Sad that Apollo has been working on tubeless tires in other models, but chose to go with tubed here. I was ready to buy it as soon as it came out if it was tubeless, but that's a make or break feature for me. Hopefully, next go round or maybe if they do a 60v one.
I'll look forward to that review. Go AUSSIES!!! Watching the Ashes (test match #1 / day 5) about to start, hoping for a thrilling finish.
Beautiful scooter can't wait to see the full video 😃
Ff lite and 2.0?
Should have 11 inch tires
If you say the truth about V3 i want to see full review... Otherwise...!! 😤🤫 Seriously.... GREAT STEM LOCK...🤷 It is copyright from Xiaomi m365..!!! Come on bro..... I have you much higher and respect you...🤙 Don't make this type (commercial for Apollo) of review......😘