
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:37 🌍 The United Nations Security Council holds primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security through various actions.
01:49 🔒 The Security Council consists of 15 member states, with five permanent members—US, France, UK, Russia, China—holding veto power, while the remaining 10 are elected by the General Assembly.
03:09 📜 To pass a resolution, 9 out of the 15 Council members need to vote affirmatively without any vetoes; abstentions can also impact the outcome but do not hold the same weight as vetoes.
04:47 🤝 Decision-making within the Security Council relies on consensus, often leading to compromises and lowest common denominator outcomes due to the need for majority approval and avoidance of vetoes.
05:28 ⚖️ Criticisms towards the Security Council include disproportionate power given to the permanent members, limitations on enforcement capabilities, and the Council's lack of representativeness, prompting calls for reform.
06:22 🌐 Proposals for Security Council reform include adding new permanent members like Germany, India, Brazil, and Japan, or expanding the total number of member states, although any reform requires approval from the current Council structure, subject to potential vetoes.

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I did not have to finish the entire video to conclude that the world is controlled by only 5 countries.


I love the diagrams and structure in the explanation, which gives rise to easy-to-understand something complicated.


I'm almost a decade late but wanted to tell you that I for sure thought you fucked up drawing that circle of smaller circles. Good job making it work at the last minute.


Well done Allen! Many thanks for sharing!


Thank you very much Allen. Your pedagogy is extremely good.


Great video ! really helped me explain the UN to my friends before a test.


nice video thanks again for sharing Allen.


pause at 6:28 and look at the countries. how many of them are changing or have changed since 1945 in demographics due to migrations.


Well done. I write super hero books, The Atomicas Series, and am researching the UN. Great video and information!


This helped me quite a lot for History class. Thanks.


Great channel! Thanks!


Thanks Allen. A lovely video, helped me explaining UN security structure to my daughter.


council to normal states: i am the judge and law!
council to big five: what may I help you, your big five majestic?


Great sir....watching from New Delhi. I am a tutor of Politics.


I love your videos sir .and I am waiting for uploading more videos.


I like ur clarity of explaining the subject


UN's security council must be changed because of failing to keep peace in world such as soudi Arabic and Yemen 's war, israeil's killing operation  .but the power of UN must be decentralized.


if 5 permanent members are agreed to pass a resolution but 8 or 7  non-permanent members agreed not 9 members which are required, then the resolution can be passed or not?


Where I can contact with you mr Allen?