I have the Toro, and if you use the hi-lift blade and not the mulching blade that comes with it, it’s a game changer. With the hi-lift blade the toro is awesome…
I had a Toro gas personal pace that was getting old. Sold it and went with greenworks mower after looking at ego and toro. The greenworks has been fantastic. It comes with 2 batteries and it automatically switches over when one runs out. I can complete my full quarter acre usually on one battery!
I had the toro and said the same things...I might have been a little harsher on some things but I got roasted on instagram for my take on it. SO glad I am not the only one. I have the ego now and I love it.
I just bought an EGO 2114 at Lowe's for $400. Not self propelled. High lift Gater type blade to mulch. Came with a bag, 6 ah battery and charger. It's a beast. Mowed a humongous yard with 2' high grass. Cut on high it could do it with 2 passes. Threw the battery on my old EGO weed eater and cut in sections and then ran over it with the mower. Today I went out early to finish up. Grass still wet with dew. Large clippings on top of grass to mow. Mulched it all in one pass. I actually just wanted the battery but it was $350 so, for $50 I got the mower and the charger. Glad I did. I will have to try the bagger though and see how that goes. Mostly fescue around here in Indiana. Also, I was cutting down weeds with 3/4" stalks. No problem.
Enjoyed your review. Last year I bought the Ego Select Cut XP which is a $100 more than the Ego you reviewed. It has more torque and 1,200 watt motor with higher RPM. Noticed you are using the economy blade which has a lower lift/suction and therefore less drain on the battery. If you use the mulching or the optional high lift blade, it does a great job cutting especially if you keep it on the shorter side. When I try and cut KBG at over 3" I sometimes notice the grass will start to lodge but I think that has something to do with how I've potentially over fertilized the lawn. Overall, glad I chose the Ego over the Honda since Honda has now exited the lawnmower market.
Great job. Glad you did the comparison, now I don't have to waste my money.
Thanks for this comparison. Our mower died at the end of the season last year beyond repair, so I will be in the market before spring time. Im beginning to lean Ego, my old mower clumped like that at the chute and it was a Toro gas powered. But man she ran for 12 years before the motor gave out.
I guess you mean base model being self-propelled. I just bought the EGO base model regular push mower for about $500 (just couldn't spend $800 for a push mower). I've been weening off all gas powered "stuff" for a couple years now and settled on EGO. Their equipment just works. I will say I'm not as happy with the cut as I thought I'd be and see similar results as you but it's good enough for me. So quiet too. I also LOVE the folding up and storage on battery operated items!!
Ego actually has a lower level mower with just a single mulching blade (I believe). I found it left a lot of clippings behind. Replaced the mulching blade with a high lift blade and 1000x better. Loving the Ego mower, coming up on our second summer with it. We also have the chainsaw, trimmer, leaf blower and 2-stage snow blower.
Lightweight is good and what did I use it for it’s a lawnmower https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxTPN04aT-Qdjr_KS3ql7ng8wnU3wwsCqk also recommend Yes it is lightweight so hence not as robust as our old one. But if you take care it does the job really well.
Welcome back buddy for my self I bought the Toro gas powered lawn mower my lawn is like 10,000 square feet and was told that a battery powered mower wouldn't work for my lawn
I have the Toro Super Recycler 60V. Not worried about the bag as I usually mulch anyway. Mowing TTTF, the cut quality is amazing.
Hmmm, block the Toro "hood scoop" off with some duct tape to force it to draw air from below the edge of the deck and up. My super recycler only struggles with clippings in thick zoysia that every mower I've ever run across it does. In my fescue it's gold. But I would suspect that you are spot on in identifying the 45 degree ramp of the chute.
What I do to pull the clippings bag on my Ego is to put the handle in the forward position (not all the way to the storage position). It’s super easy with the quick release lever and takes the crossbar out of play.
Great review I have both of them and dont have the issue with the grass here in south Florida. For the EGO I dont like take of the bag but found that if you use the lever on the handle and fold it upright its mush easier to remove the bag on the EGO. I dont get mush suction out of the EGO vs the Toro and the self propelled on the EGO its terrible vs the more natural feel of the Toro. Thanks
2:25 was really expecting Rolls to mark his territory 😂 our boy is looking beefy and healthy. Glad to see the Ginja back. Good stuff my dude, looking forward to a good season this year
I have the ego and honestly I hate it it doesn't cut good and I've had the same problems your showing on here also!!! I'm so glad to see you post again my friend!!!
I have the hight end Ego. I don’t think the motor is larger but there is room for 2 battery packs with 2 5Amp batteries included and it has a variable torque motor that kicks in when the grass is thick. I also retrofitted a high lift blade that Ego sells for $49 and it made a huge difference in suction quality on those thick patches. I have a fescue/KBG mix lawn and couldn’t be happier with my setup.
Beautiful lawn. Nice to see a review where the reviewer is actually cutting grass. Most reviews I've seen are people cutting weed grass. I wanted to see how electric handles actual plush grass. I have too many batteries for EGO to go to any other brand at this point. Still undecided though if I'm going to get a backup electric mower. Really only want it for cutting after it rains when the gas zero turn is a little rough on the grass.