i truly struggle so much with anger and it’s odd because i hate that i am that way. i feel awful for expressing my anger. i feel so impatient and i don’t know why. i just want to be normal
I feel very fortunate to have heard this message from Mike firsthand. It had such an impact on me then, years ago, and it has stayed with me ever since. Incredible message, Mike! So happy the rest of the world can hear it now as well.
Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have 6:46
I loved the concrete data about how much information our brains can actually process and the idea of pronoia. Great job, Mike!
Great talk. Don't make Assumptions and always Do Your Best, 2 of the Four Agreements. Powerful material. Thank you!
"giving the benefit of the doubt" my dad has told me this for years and it's still hard to apply in all situations. it comes down to empathy.
"It's all about the story in our own minds!" Great talk Mike!
I've been going through overthinking problem my whole life and i didnt really understand it. i was thinking that it was the right thing to do until my life has became horrible, personal, family, friends, job everything. Then i started my theropy and i starting understanding and stopping the overthinking episodes and things started to get better but the only thing was my anger which i couldnt handle very well. Thank you Mike for your words "assume positive intent' this part made it very easy.
So great, Mike! "Assume positive intent." Such a powerful message...
Mike Goldman - I absolutely LOVE your TEDx talk. Not only did you tell an incredible story, you interwove supporting data and I felt like you packed the 15 minutes with love, kindness, and a strategy that anyone can use to NOT assume the worst in person. This is my favorite quote of yours: "The 126 bits we see is a decision we can make." And here are my favorite concepts that you mentioned: • Law of Positive Intent: Everyone is trying to do the best they can with the resources they have • Pronoia: Assumes the positive intent of the universe; even the obstacles are there for you (I had never head of this before!) Incredibly well done, Mike. Standing ovation and at least two encores 😀
It's awesome how we can rewrite our behaviour with conscious repetition. At the beginning it seems unachievable but it all changes with the time, consistency and willingness. Great talk, Mike!
Thank you for opening up my mind and describing how my brain processes anger. Never realized I was always assuming negative intent when it came to people/situations. What I’m taking from this is to just stop assuming negative and just live life assuming everything is positive and is not going against you but is with you!
THIS... THIS is an IDEA WORTH SHARING. Mike Goldman, thank you for sharing this powerful—positive message. Life-changing!
An elegantly constructed, powerful talk. And oh the wisdom. Beautiful, Mike!
I've known Mike for several years - we both serve on a panel of CEO's (a sub-group of the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey) which meets on a monthly basis, together acting as a quasi board of directors for each others' businesses. We discuss our unique challenges (and our successes) in great detail, in strict confidentiality. Mike's depth of understanding and insight into the highest levels of managerial organization are invaluable to our group. Among many competencies, he's an authority on how to assemble a key leadership team, how to motivate staff, and how to stay focused on a goal. I've learned a lot from Mike, and always look forward to his input when sharing my own challenges. Tough love is what we need, and Mike displays his with tenderness...
This is a phenomenal video, i have recently been very much struggling with my anger and it has been affecting my marriage and family. Thank you this helped me see something in my life i had not noticed and i am truly thankfull to have found this at one of the most difficult times in my life.
Mike - This was amazing. It has definitely changed my thinking about relationships and how to assume positive intent from everyone. Thank you for bringing your story to the world!
Really good points, Im almost never angry on people and I use to think: Assume positive intent from others, be curious why they did something, assume they do their best with what they have.
Wow! What a powerful message! I so appreciate you sharing such a vulnerable story in such an empowering way. Application of this “idea worth sharing” truly has the potential of healing on a planetary scale.