
GREEK BBQ Master From Crete video: https://youtu.be/rSy2D9otoV4
24H GREEK FOOD Thessaloniki video: https://youtu.be/U8uyyueXH9g
24H STREET FOOD Of NAPLES video: https://youtu.be/XqIsoMqLOSE 
24H In CRETE - Chania video: https://youtu.be/_50JJmUc5VA
24H In CATANIA, SICILY video: https://youtu.be/s_FCsIdHZ-Y


Was a pleasure to have you at Angela's Valletta. Thank you 🙏👍


a precious guide for those who visit Malta, I too will remember it when I visit it one day!


Just a small side note...traditionally pastizzi come in two different fillings: ricotta or mashed peas. The chicken variation was introduced quite recently and some (if not most) Maltese people (myself included) consider it as an insult towards a traditional snack.... It is basically like saying im going to replace the guanciale with sausage in a carbonara


Looks good and tasty, intresting video.


Thanks for this video me and my wife are in Malta for our honeymoon and tried these places on this video absolutely phenomenal the lasagna was the best we have ever had


God bless your heart...and gut.


try busybee canolli and for pastizzi serkin rabat or sphinx  and for tacos and nachos browns waterfront valleta 😀


A golden rule of thumb if you're eating here, is that if a place looks it's designed to look "attractive" then it's pretty much a tourist trap and will be way overpriced, especially for more exotic foods like Asian or Mexican. Locals rarely eat at the food court, colloquially known as Is-Suq due to its former usage as a market, and tend to go dine at more reserved out of the way spots like Angela's and San Paolo Naufrago, who possibly makes the best pizza in the city.


My wife is a full blooded Malt, here in the US. Her father was a baker here. I absolutely loved my father-in-laws pastizzi! Her uncle owned a restaurant called “The Arches” in Mellieħa. One of her family owned the Hard Rock Cafe’ in Malta. My mother-in-law made such wonderful rabbit!


I'm from Malta and learned from your video about the existence of chicken pastizzi :)


That is my Country.. that's where I was born...My heart belongs there..💙💙💙


pastizzi arethe best


Was a nice tour of some very tasty looking food! I'll be in Valletta in three weeks so I'll be looking for the places you visited. Would have been nice if you included prices, but c'est la vie. Cheers!


Thanks for making a video about Malta. 2 things to say, the rabbit had large pieces of raw meat which is not good and the cannoli were Sicilian type cannoli not Maltese.


when i was in Malta a few weeks ago, i keep smelling this sweet scent used by men in Valletta. It smelled like citrus and floral, with some hints of musk and leather. most men used this, not sure if it is an aftershave or a perfume. does anyone know what it is?


Angela's restoran je definitivno bio highlight ove ture. Da li se svaka stavka kod njih posebno poručuje ili im je ovo neki dnevni meni za 23.90€ ?


Does all the food end in "i" .. cannoli, passticci, aeoli!! Potato-i? :_laugh:
The lasgne-i looks amazing. I especially love lasgne.