
👨‍💻 Watch 100+ programming interview problems explained: 
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This is what happens after a week in self-isolation


"Compiler is wrong."
Only the TechLead could have uttered such powerful words.


Even when the world ends TechLead is still burning Facebook


I'm liking the ex-Google, ex-Facebook, ex-humanity TechLead.


There's actually a tremendous amount of work in this video. Writing, planning, video angles, lighting, editing, etc.
Very impressive!


All joking aside - this was impressive. You’re on to something.


"HTML isn't even a real language"
"Putting it on my resumé anyways"

Sounds about right lol


This is officially my favourite tech lead video.


This is what 99% of programmers fantasize of doing  during their qurantine


“There are so many typos..and there is no type checking in JavaScript “ 😀


you got me at "it's not pro enough" lmfao


The amount of special effects in this is actually quite impressive


This is exactly how you should spend your quarantine, by learning a new skill, in this case movie-style epic hacker special effects.


“The keys are too mushy on this damn Mac book pro”


Siri install python.
Siri: missing user Privilege.
This is actually how I work everyday.


I like how he summarized his whole channel... 

most importantly pointing out how react native is garbage


Please make more short films like these if you have Time, the editing level is insane


Those dislikes are from the "HTML Is A Real Language Club" members.


WOW! Amazing job! 
Amazingly entertaining and the filming/editing is at a whole different level. Respect!
This must have taken a LOT of time to produce.