
As a previous pet owner, I'll tell you that if a rabbit chooses to lay down right next to you, they completely trust you as an individual. Cheers to them both.


"I pay him with kisses." Aw, gosh this young man is as adorable as his sweet bunny is! Bunny found the best dad.


I’ve never seen a rabbit give kisses like that. Buddy really loves and trusts him.


2:45 "I just feel so lucky that he chose me to be his little buddy." That line really made me emotional! 😢 Congrats to you!


I love how he puts the bunny in his hoodie and then just walks around.its so cute.


So, are we not gonna talk about the fact that this lovely young man wears his hoodie backwards to carry his bunny brother? Cutest thing ever!


I've had bunnies and not all are this affectionate. This man is an angel and the bunny knows it.


This is such a wonderful relationship. Rabbits are incredible pets when you know how to look after them and actually give them freedom to roam the house (do protect your wires with wire protectors though haha.


You can judge a man's character by the way he treats animals.
This young man is a hero.  I love him for saving this sweet bunny


I love that he calls himself rabbit's little buddy and not the other way around. My heart is gushing


His philosophy was hilarious lol. Very existential. You’re a rabbit I’m a human , we’re in a house and it’s a Monday. Love it lol!


Dude really turned his hoodie into a bunny pouch and its amazing.


I didn't realize rabbits could be so affectionate. That was adorable.


As a person that has bunnies the fact that the bunny layed down next to him shows how much trust this bunny has, I wish nothing but the best for them


I’ve never seen a rabbit be this calm and cuddly with they’re owner, you can tell it’s in such great hands


This is a real man - compassionate, intelligent, helps others. God Bless.


Beautiful Bunny. Meanwhile he look cute while eating. Thank for saving him...


“I love he chose me to be his little buddy.” Such kind words


"It wasn't long until I realised how special he genuinely was to me."

I'm not crying, but... This is really wholesome...


Rabbit zoomies are the best. Mine made loud honks as he'd run around.