
Before there were Air Jordans., we had Wildcats.


Buster Brown on E Tremont Ave, Bronx NY ... my parents took me there for shoes every school year...


I was just thinking about these sneakers, when I saw the commercials I thought they  give me the ability to run fast I even did the wild cat noise when I first test them me and my little bro those were the days. They should should bring them back for us old school cats.


Who else here from laff mobb's


Those were the first pair I had...Pre K and K. Damn those were the days. Harlem NY and I had the Buster Brown shoes.


My father had a pair of these shoes. He said he would never forget them.


I remember this commercial.  I wanted those shoes soooo bad!  I didn't even play basketball.  I just thought they'd make me jump higher...


those socks tho


They actual kinda smooth


I had pair of Buster Brown shoes 👞 when I was eight...I got cracked (talked about) on a lot by the older kids with Pro-Ked sneaks but I didn't care because I liked my Buster Browns GOTDAMNIT! I could never understand why they didn't understand that I didn't give two fucks about what they had to say about me...my mother bought me them shoes...so fuck them...HELL YEAH!


Had a pair in kindergarten. I think there were Wildcats printed on the tongues. A random memory from 1980/1 along with the yellow Hubba Bubba gum.


My moms got the cheapest ones too, I could see three throwbacks being brought back and a bunch of old school dudes running out of their tenemant coutyards and front porches doing the wild cat roar, I think it may inpsire me and a bunch of guys to be more fit. Yo wanna race wild cat race.


whew allways wanted these newage bo bos ha haa👑😎emirj the artist on chris page


When boys were boys, and girls were girls! Damn you Tik Tok.


I think they would have the cocoon effect.