
Title: Funny Soccer Football Vines 2022 ● Goals l Skills l Fails


I am from Algeria πŸ‡©πŸ‡Ώ


6:26 Neymar like eagle


ooooo DYBALA


5:12 daaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyuuuuuummmmm


7:38 nice goalkeeper


0:52 good Neymar's panna


5:45 this footballer so kind




9:25 πŸ˜‚




1:50 Prime Balotelli


Bro this guy never fails to make the boys and I laugh


i love that the video is longer then the other ones. that means more loughs and shoks (amazing skils) so thanks for amazing video


Thanks you for Football Dynamo Brest Vs Arsenal Belarus moment's β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️


messi goat cr7 who are you comperedto the actual goat messi


I Love Mbappe's dance


Lets goo another great funny video!