Some facts and some malevolently crafted misinformation. I'm glad you mentioned that many (VIRTUALLY ALL) statues, temples, and tombs attributed to Rameses II and the other Ramessides and Saites, were USURPED (stolen and reinscribed). "Great Royal Queen" Tiye Tef-Nut was born in Kush and her skin was VERY DARK, similar to South Sudanese today. The 'altered image' (11:36) of GR Queen Tiye and Nesi (Pharaoh) Heqa Waset Amun-Hotep (Amenhotep III) is one example. Neither of Amun-Hoteps parents was of ''Royal Blood" (the son or daughter of a Great Royal Queen) so he went to the source of Kemitic "Sacred Matriarchy" the Tef-Nut Line of the Het Heru Priesthood the OLDEST and PURIST of Kemit's 7 Royal Lines. "Great Royal Queen" Tiye Tef-Nut was a Het Heru High Priestess from the Tef-Nut Line and was blood-related to High Priestess Hapu. They were 'always' based in Kush, between Kerma, Napata, and Soleb. (Akhenaten, GR Queen Nefer Nefertiti, their daughters, and Tutankhamun were depicted as having elongated skulls like the "Anu from Zep Tepe' because they are direct descendants from the Tef-Nut Line of the Het Heru Priesthood). Amenhotep III was the most prolific builder of the New Kingdom, however, the megalithic structures were 'raised' by their "Chief Architect" and "High Priest of Tehuti (Thoth) and Shesat," Amun-Hotep, Son of Het Heru High Priestess Hapu (Google: Amenhotep son of Hapu). He was a "Neb Tem," a "Universal Master of the Sacred Science" who also held the 'rare title' "Chief Stone Vase Maker" (Relayer of the Sacred Proportions from Zep Tepe) also held by the legendary 3rd Dynasty "Neb Tem" Iem-Hotep (Imhotep). High Priest Amun-Hotep ''raised'' the Colassi of Amun-Hotep (Memnon), the megalithic statues 'usurped' (stolen and reinscribed) by Rameses II and the other 'Set kings', large parts of the Luxor Temple, the 2 Het Heru Temples at Abu Simbal that was usurped by Rameses II, the 365 standing and 365 sitting granite 'larger than life' statues of Sekhmet, among others. "Great Royal Queen" Tiye Tef-Nut was blood-related to High Priestess Hapu.
Its obvious the flood caused great upheaveful. Thus covering civilizations. Retreating covering surface with mud. There are citirs everywhere. Also below water along coasts.
Very interesting.
What it always points too, is an unfinished project, disrupted and then continued in a miss understood way across the world.
This was never lost. It was found years ago.
Čudo jedno kako televizija sve pretvara u spektakl,tako da sve ispadne "Dinastija".Linda Evans,Džoan Kolins,Dragana Spasić-Đurić.
What a brilliant response "It's very true that is was lost, because they had to find it." smh they should have cut that part out
As soon as I see hawass I just turn this s*** off
ZAHI has TAINTED your 'presentation' 😮 over&OUT
These Cities were not last,The wise People ,Covered their Cities ,From Caucasians!
what Zahi to see , it end for me , Misinformation
Gbjfzfg is how they used to spell
Ugh, Zahi Hawass. I cant watch.