Swansea was a good person at heart, he hid the cryopod from jimmy so that Daisuke could have a chance at being saved, at 41:32 when they enter the cargo hold and find the mouthwash Anya says "the sugar content probably offsets any potential as a disinfectant" and after jimmy uses the isopropyl alcohol to make the cocktail there is now no disinfectant on the ship as far as we know, Jimmy using the mouthwash on Daisuke did nothing except make him feel pain, so Swansea killing Daisuke is truly a mercy, there would have been no way to save him and with the "Pony Express" being one of the last manned freighter ships there was an incredibly low chance of them being found before the oxygen ran out, even with the 20 years of auxiliary power in the cryopod curly would most likely have died before the ship was discovered. This game really makes you think
this may be weird but i think Swansea was saving that pod for Anya or Daisuke because he didn't like jimmy in the first place. I genuinely think that the entire time Swansea was only hiding it from everyone else so that they wouldn't tell jimmy. or so that jimmy didn't run from the mistakes he made. which is why the words "take responsibility" were so scrambled until Swansea told him he needed to. they said curly got worse so it's possible curly could've told him in the beginning when he was still functioning properly and he knew that jimmy crashed the ship the whole time. and then the moment Anya told him about what jimmy did to her. I also think she asked that question about the door locks because he assaulted her in the medical quarters. which is why she asked how long they had left to see if she had enough time to get an abortion. which is also why she comes off as "useless" but she only does because of the perspective we play in. which is why daisuke seems dumb and Swansea seems mean. its only because they all hated jimmy but would never admit it. and thats why Swansea carried the ax around and he did this especially when he was around Anya to protect her. Swansea has a rough demeanor but he cares for the crew members in a way that jimmy didn't. he shows this when he talks to Daisuke before he kills him. and he only killed him to rid him of his pain and suffering because he didnt want him to end up like curly. only kept alive to serve jimmy's purpose of feeling like hes saving someone. and thats why he admits what anya told him because he wants him to know that despite the fact that shes dead, what happened to her will live in both his and curly's memories. Swansea was a good man and a loving person. he just didn't know how to show it. he was poetic and cared. and everyone looked to him like a father. even curly. Swansea knew he was going to die anyway. so he put his heart and soul into protecting the people jimmy was trying so hard to hurt. this hurts me so bad but shit. this game is so fucking heart breaking and cruel to know that the entire time, even as just the audience, we watched this in the view of jimmy. and until he realized what he'd done we did too. this entire game somehow managed to show us how he manipulated everyone by using fake scenarios and past events against them. we got manipulated into thinking he was the hero. this game is emotionally manipulative the way jimmy was to them too. and that's scary to think we believed it too. edit: i played the game and noticed that after he shot swansea. all of the pods were open and not damaged which is why daisuke was confused on why jimmy accused him of keeping it for himself. jimmy just deluded himself to make himself the good guy
This game legitimately is such a good one. The story, the way it makes you think hard, the way Jimmy seems good at first but immediately gets so much worse, and how each character had such defined personalities that made them amazing. If I was Swansea, after learning about Jimmy and Anya, heck I would've done what he did too. Swansea's last scene of speaking to Jimmy hit hard. I think how each of the deaths pans out is excellently written too. An AMAZING game- and the fact Jimmy did it all??? It got me, 100%, i had no clue..
Watching Juicy makes me feel this… immense comfort. Like everythings going to be alright. Like I feel like I know it’ll all be okay. This guys my comfort character lol.
juicy understanding what happened to anya and realizing jimmy was the bad guy almost from the start makes my heart melt i love how he took the game seriously when he knew it was serious
The best part of any Juicy video is his commentary. I like hearing what he thinks about the game. I also appreciate how straight-forward but sensitive he is about darker topics like SA. Keep it up man
this game is honestly so bleak and hits so hard, man. there's so much that can be said for it that everybody has already said before me in prettier ways. I dunno, this is one that's gonna sit with me for awhile. but one thing I haven't seen anybody mention (in this comment section at least) is Swansea was probably saving the last pod for Daisuke, he wanted him to have a chance, maybe Daisuke really did remind him of his own kids...Daisuke should've been in the club 😔 one thing I've seen a few people discuss is the conversation Anya and Swansea are having, when Jimmy first walks in. there's theories that they're either talking about eating Curly if it comes to it OR they're talking about offing Jimmy and/or letting Daisuke have the last pod, especially since Anya is crying but accepting whatever Swansea is talking about. usually I love bitter, bleak and hopeless endings but God, I just wanted these characters to be happy in the end. except Jimmy, f that guy.
I like how Juicy's trashing everyone at the beginning except Jimmy, before he finally realized what was going on. Imo, Swansea was the real og in this story. A protector, rest in peace Swansea 🕊️
Two hours of Juicy? We're eating good tonight boys
Shoutout to the editor for putting the clips of the game as an overlay to what Juicy was summarizing at the end. Chef's kiss on that one mate, haven't seen another vid do that.
I think Swansea kept room locked because he was afraid it would lead to everyone fighting over the pod. Overall Swansea was the best one there and basically played the villain.
2 hours of Juicy and clarity that he’s ok? Damn, Christmas came early
"a category 5 hurricane is about to hit my house and I'm sitting here trying to feed a guy his own leg"
Both Juicy and Eddie called the mascot a donkey through the majority of the play through lol. Despite the fact that you work for PONY express! Eddie never caught on, but Juicy was finally like, "HORSE!" XD
Glad you’re okay after the hurricane!
37:52 I think it says “take responsibility” take is definitely a word but responsibility isn’t spelled out in any of the switchings. You just have to assume it’s responsibility because all the letters are there (plus it makes sense in the context)
9:42 Juicy you do NOT want to be jimmy, trust 🙏🙏🙏🙏
A two-hour video from Juicy makes my depression go away. Love your sense of humor, man.
when you start your lead to believe Jimmy is the protagonist. You think he is the one whos going to save everyone but as the story progresses things get weirder. At first Swansea seems like some weird old guy whos going to lose his mind and kill everyone but in reality hes only killing Jimmy because of what he did. Swansea and Curly are the only people who can be considered morally straight through their actions.