
Try CapCut to edit your gaming videos! It's FREE and easy to learn, making it perfect for beginner editors! Some BONUS features is that there are no watermarks and your projects autosave so you never lose your progress. 🙌🏽

Download CapCut for Desktop (PC & Mac) 👉 https://rebrand.ly/midnightdec23


By far the BEST video I've seen about capcut, no bs, straight to the point, easy to follow and understand. Keep it up


I just Started on Twitch and had no idea how to edit my gameplays  until i came across your video this has been very helpful thank you :)


just started my gaming page and setting up my stream. your videos got my way ahead thanks brother keep up this  great content


Holy crap. I’ve been wanting to start a YouTube channel for YEEEARS, and the fear of not knowing how to edit has preventing me from ever starting. This was so informative and entertaining all in one, thank you 🙏🏽


12:34 I know! I ended up making my own with like 5 different sounds I found they had. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and it took waaaaayyy too long. But now I use that sound in a bunch of my videos!


Been using CapCut for months now for all my edits and gameplay .
Instead of recording separate videos for face cam and having to line up you can record gameplay plus facecam by literally recording in your streaming app ( stream labs ) 
Edit your entire video and CapCut will convert the video to 4K


I almost gave up when I found this video which was like a proof for me everything is not that hard and I am not doomed (I am gonna be making commentary videos, not gaming, but this was still very useful). Thank you!


Hey Midnight Man. Just ran on this video you made and its probably the best tutorial I’ve seen on the web. Great work. If it wasn’t for this I wouldn’t know that you can gather all the clips into one. You got a new sub 😊


I needed this, CapCut mobile is where I've been doing my shorts editing, it's been kinda confusing on PC for long form videos


Definitely will be using CapCut for my videos. Thanks for the tutorial


I have been using Capcut for almost 2 years now and I NEVER knew that you can syn audio and I never knew what compound clip is for! This is going to help me out so much omg! I used to go in and edit each audio clip individually and what I used to do to get a full clip is I would export it as a whole video then re upload it to capcut as a single file vs 12-15 different videos ! Wow, so much time saved just by the first 3 minutes of the video! Thank you so much!


This video is a visual and production masterpiece. A lot of value as well,  very well done 👏


i have been using capcut for a long time and i did not know about the voice sink THANK YOU BRO😅


Thank you so much for this to-the-point video! I was struggling with DaVinci (and so was my computer).


3:20 that's the Urkel 'Did I do thaaaat?' face. 🤣🤣


Dude I seriously love this video and your energy! I'm subscribing!


Hey midnight man I know this video was a year ago but I was so bad at editing but now I been using Capcut for over a month and my quality is so much cleaner thank you


For those that dont know how he recorded his facecam videos separate from everything else, he uses a video capture card. How do I know?  Cause he says how does in his other videos. Duh 😂


OMG! You just saved me a million hours of syncing the sound to video 🥴🤗. I’ve been doing manual edits for so long, and I just found out that with one click, you can sync the video to the sound 🤪😜. Thanks, brother! I guess I should have watched more CapCut tutorial videos.