I bought my husband a jedi robe when we first started dating. He gets cold easy and is a total fanboy so he loved it. Now I have to figure out how to replace it cause he won't let it go and it has a hole big enough to put my head through.
My favorite gift I ever received was not from a partner, but a girl I'm friends with. Earlier this year, I needed to have surgery, but because of Covid, I was all alone in the hospital. I couldn't have guests, and I had to attend my film school classes on my phone. My friend sent me a DM, asked me what hospital I was staying at, and then she sent me a bouquet of flowers. Me, a man, she sent a bouquet of flowers to cheer me up. It was such an emotional experience to receive something like that, because I mentioned to her that I love flowers, she remembered that, and sent some to me when I felt the most alone. Anyway, one more comment for Mr Al Gore Rythm 😌
The best gift i ever got was a sketchbook full of art that my boyfriend made for me. I'm gay but I think a lot of people would be suprised how much these expectations of toxic masculinity still apply in gay relationships, especially in ones where one person has a more traditionally masculine role. I think its good to ask for what you want so i dont mind that, but just being shown appreciation like that is nice when i dont get it so often.
Your actually underrated. I love learning about the black man’s experiences ,struggles and fears. I as a young black woman 21yr old feel like gain more of an understanding of how they feel and want to be treated and how to help them. I love these videos, keep up the good work.
When my father was alive, I was sometimes frustrated because he always just bought things for himself if he wanted them, even if it was close to his birthday or another holiday. I never considered that receiving gifts might have felt emasculating to him. Thank you for this video.
First thing she got me was a thin gold chain necklace. It was her way of saying "I'm low-key serious about us". I never worn jewellery, but not taken this chain off once.
First Valentine's day with my then girlfriend, she bought me a wireless Logitech controller for my PS2 (it was 2005). It was hands down the most thoughtful gift a girl ever got me. We've been married 16 years now, and I still bring it up as one of the most heart-touching gifts I ever got from her.
loved this take! It really gave me the chance to sit and reflect on how well i know my husband, and what i end up getting him when I do spend money on him. I gotta be honest, the number of gifts I've gotten him is pretty small, I do like treating him to experiences whenever I can though. A trip to the Caribbean, a movie, a jazz concert etc. But if I were expected to surprise him with a present, I really have no idea what I would get him. Definitely something to think about!
The best gift I ever gave my partner halfway falls into your video games category. For Christmas last year, I bought him the soundtrack to the video game Celeste on vinyl, in addition to the 2-disc vinyl release of the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. C eleste was a game he played at the start of pandemic lockdown and felt a real sense of accomplishment in completing. The story is great and he has streamed the album hundreds of times on Spotify. Cowboy Bebop was a real surprise for me as well. That's apparently a soundtrack he has wanted to own a copy of for ages, but could never find. Watching him excitedly but almost tenderly interact with both albums and their sleeves/liner notes was so nice. Now, whenever he puts those records on and the house fills with music in a way that isn't tied to the machine where we work, play, and engage with friends/family brings back that memory. It's a nice little slice of "us" without anyone else to listen to those soundtracks together.
Makes a whole video to get the ps5 from his wife
The exact kind of shoe that solved all my weird-shaped-feet problems that I didn't even know could exist. Hell, she keeps solving issues I just took for granted was my lot in life. I am not smart or savvy enough to reciprocate what she does but I do try in whatever way I can. Also, great video... as usual.
I’ve been taken on trips for my birthday but no one has purchased me a gaming console ever.
I think the best part of the PS5 meme last year was how, in most of those posts, the man is depicted as being happy and affectionate, maybe even submissive to a degree. I know a lot of guys who would love to be in a more submissive relationship with their girlfriends, or at least, be less dominant, and this meme allowed them to play pretend. Also, there was a subtrend where the meme revolved around sex work. "Me holding the camera for my girl's OnlyFans so she can buy me a PS5" A few of these memes started out as a cruel joke, mocking men who have sex workers girlfriends, but it evolved to embrace it. A lot of men feel like if their partner is working in the sex industry, they're less of a man. But this meme embraced the experience, it's the first time I saw men treat sex workers with respect on a mass scale. Anyway, just two points I thought I'd comment to aid the algorithm 💖
You one of the first people I’ve seen with 1k views and no dislikes bro. You the Goat
The best gift I’ve ever given another man is probably the time I gave my friends dad a little treasure chest with a dragon on it that I found at a garage sale. I’ve never seen a grumpy middle-aged man look so happy about a toy in my entire life. (He plays a lot of D&D)
i've only ever recieved 1 gift. i got a sean jean jacket back in the day from my first long term gf. i was 22. im now 38 and was with my kids mom for 11 years. not. one. gift. For xmas once she cheated with multiple dudes (shorty doubled her body count while she was "with me") and that was like 4 years in. Life only got worse until just recently i resolved myself to the idea that i was being abused and mistreated for more than a decade and left. it's the most painful thing i've done. I watch your videos and weep. I have ugly cried through a lot of things that you've taught me. I wish i could just use you as my "anger translator" to my therapist.
I know I’m late as hell, but more engagement is good for the channel. I got myself a gaming laptop a couple years ago when I was traveling for work. I’d gotten my wife her PS4 years before for her birthday as she’s a big gamer. We cant afford to blow the cash these days, so no new gen for either of us. But out of nowhere, just because, she bought me a much better mouse and a friggin awesome headset for my laptop. Man it felt really good. But my wife is fucking awesome, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.
I made my husband a hat. We were sitting on the couch together watching TV while I made it. He hadn't asked for a hat, and didn't say anything about it before handing it to him. You would have thought I got him a PS5 from the look on his face when he realized it was his. He IS a big gamer and I support that as much as possible (he really likes it when we can play together and when I take interest in his games), but it's the little things that make him happiest.
💕💕💕 got a leather jacket of his fav football team, ticket to California (I was living there at the time), flowers, tickets to jazz concert (he loved jazz), Jordans, tickets to Kevin Hart concert, gray sweatpants, watch of fav football team. Outside of gifts I’ve watched YouTube videos to help find things in COD or just watched the game play. I also tried to learn to play a few games. My orientation is horrible lol