
Runner introduction starts at 0:08
Run starts at 1:18
adef and Keizaron interview 360Chrism and Shenanagans at 1:04:14
Commentary is provided by Corvimae
LattMackey is host


emphasis on DO NOT WATCH THIS if you EVER plan to play tunic, until AFTER you've played tunic.


If you haven't played this game, do yourself a favor and stop the video and go and play it first.


Dicey is always so humble with how he introduces himself any time people ask who he is.


This run is super cool especially with the insightful dev commentary. Thanks a lot for making a great game and the speedrunner and couch for explaining how the magic is in the manual


This is my favorite game to come out this year! I'm super excited to see it at GDQ!


Just came back here to watch the run after 100% the game, and I'm glad I did! I'm so amazed at all those skips ... really didn't realize those are possible. Great run!


I'm here, 2 months later, having finally gotten around to beating Tunic. Now I can finally watch this run!


I am so happy there was a Tunic run, such an amazing game <3


Finally I can watch this run after beating the game. I had this video in my watch later since agdq.


This run was mindblowing, ever for the runners. Thanks for adding this awesome game to the schedule! ⚔🦊


So awesome there were devs on the call for this


Great Commentary! Great Run!


This one was so good! Loved having the devs on and their style.  All the little things about tunic like the cheat codes, game manual, really took me back!


That's friggin' awesome. I love the fact that there's a developer on the phone. I love it!


Such a nice run and a wild lil game!


Just started playing this game so I'll favorite this video for later


Such enriching commentary to such a great runner. Thank you all


I had no idea you could change fox colors 💚


I played this as soon as it came out. Both endings too. Awesome game from an awesome guy in the same awesome province in Canada as myself!