
There were so many comments of people happy to see some HimeHina content that I decided to throw another clip together.


I always forget that HimeHina are actually close with a bunch of Holomems. When they show up for special streams or in 3d It’s such a welcome surprise.


Wholesome. I'm glad to see HimeHina doing well


tysm for translating Hajimya speak to us mere mortals πŸ™:yougotthis:


Loving this clip series!


Much appreciated. Also, don't mind me, just turning into oldtaku dust


OG IM@S fans are raising from the graves, with this one πŸ—£πŸ§Ÿ


WOAH, I just watched the pre-show talk for Karubi and Lapuchama, and thought maybe I'd missed the one for Banchou and Oden since I couldn't remember they even did these. And maaan, talk about thumbnails you can actually hear.


I felt a single strand of my hair turn white when I noticed I knew exactly what they were reffering to with "tokatidukutite"


Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to interpretation πŸ˜‚




omg... Heisei era meme lol


Bancho is the real deal~~~


I don't get it.