
I am watching this with the mindset « do I already know everything they are going to say ? »


This is an amazing video! I learned a lot of this over months, but this covers just about everything in under 12 minutes! This is GREAT for players getting more experienced, especially the ledge-trapping scenario.


Now all we need is a ledge hanging compilation that shows every character hurtbox on ledge, great work guys.


I love this super distilled video format for purely educating us about the raw mechanics
I thought I knew everything about the ledge mechanics, but it turns out I didn't know:

- You get more intangibility the longer your airtime before grabbing the ledge... That changes things
- For each regrab of the ledge, all getup options have reduced intangibility... No wonder I get consistently wrecked during normal getup despite having "1 frame of vulnerability", and no wonder people want to roll after a regrab.
- Ledge Trump DI... I guess this was a thing but wasn't really clear
- Sooner ledge trump has more frame advantage
- Tether ignores 2 frame rule (but still vulnerable until reeled in)
- Each tether counts towards intangibility deterioration


This is high quality, I love to see it!


Great work, proud of the team


This video is SO GOOD. Covered pretty much everything about the ledge. The other part is just character specific options and option selects, which simply takes player experience


excellent video, straight to the point not too long while highlighting all the bases


I learned a lot from this. There were a lot of nuances to these mechanics that I didn't realize I was missing out on. Excellent work!


Lets go!!, tutorial/guide!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Excellent video. Great coverage of techniques and meta/theory in gameplay


I learn something new on each episode. 

Thanks a lot


snake and samus are probably the best ledge trappers. there's so many good ledge trappers. swordies are insanely good at edge guarding. for example lucina, corrin and sora all have counters and big disjoints to defend the edge as well as strong recoveries to keep them from getting reversed by the majority of the roster.


I had no idea ledge trumping had a version of DI, very interesting!


Snake ledgetrapping unironically goated. He's got like unlimited options that can hard knowledge check or attention check at least the opponent. I don't know about strongest in the game, there are a couple characters that i might say are better, but i think snake is actually underrated in ledgetrapping


i forgot game and watch his ledge trap is nutty too


You forgot to yell, "Ledgetrapping!!" as loud as you can


In my opinion Rosalina and luma is the strongest ledgetrapping character if given enough time to set up. If you don't have enough time to set up, they are still very good, but other characters can be better.


belmont, samus and steve have the best lendge trapping, link pacman and min min are runners up