
Check out my website avithegemguy.com for jewelry at unbeatable prices! 💎


That last lady. More of her please😂 that back and forth between you guys is the entertainment i needed


Haha last girl matches your energy well. Seems like a real down to earth person.


Wish you uploaded more Avi, great vid


11:40 she’s so cool. Love seeing her in ya videos.


the last gal's got spunk....she should have her own channel, she's got the personality and the knowledge..


The kiss on the ring 💍 She is  the real deal ❤😂


I like the ladies swag at the end of the video. She was fun and had a good personality. They both jibed well together.


It's like 3am here in the UK and I was about to sleep and saw this upload, hope to see more vids Avi, keep up the good content :)


This was great! Love the longer form videos!


I buy jewelry for my daughter and she wants to make jewelry for a living but I can't get enough of Avi. So entertaining and his personality is contagious.


Despite the fact that I will never meet any of these people, they feel like family and friends. I've seen you close deals with so many of them, and each time it's another dopamine hit of mazal.


Emilys an icon she needs her own channel


I used to watch a show called gem hunters or stone hunters.  Didn’t last long but the community for it was full on.    Avi please do a travel series. Show us the mines.  Show is the dark and shady side of mining as what things as consumers we should be doing for the industry.    Your easy watching vids are lovely and wish we could see more of the whole journey of a stone.


She just laughed right in your face 😂😂


I’ve been going to gem shows since I was 6. My dad always brought us roc hounding because it was free or affordable (nicer pits) since we didn’t have a lot growing up. Now I bring my son and we have so much fun. Granted these were high end gem shows but it is always so much fun. I live in Maine and we have some of the best tourmaline in the world. Love your videos, keep it up!

Edit: your interaction with the lady in the green shirt is hilarious and wholesome.


I could watch him all day


Homegirl at 12:47 saying it's face down azz up, she's the real one.


The padparaschas were marvelous. Otherworldly beauty.
WAY out of my humble factory man's price range, but I thank you for showing them.
Quite a life you are living. Count your blessings.

Great channel and content!!


want more of that last girl