
What do you think? Would you buy one of these? Thanks for watching please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE - Power adapter I used: https://amzn.to/48gNZ0F


My lawn mower is illegal too, but he’s cheap and he does a fairly good job when he’s sober.


I'm in the UK and did my Granddad's ridiculously hilly lawn with his Flymo. This was during the pandemic and it was a Flymo from the late '80s/early '90s and it was still better and easier to use than any modern wheeled lawnmower I've come across.


Am in the UK, Flymo is a good brand here and I have a very similar model that you show.  TOP TIP: if you remove the blade you can use the flymo like a vacuum.  Quite good if you have just scarified or just want to collect leafs or grass clippings.


In the mid-eighties, I used to run a gas powered version of these here in the US for a hotel that had very steep grassy steps between many parking lots. It worked great because you could climb the hill  then swing the mower back-and-forth as you walk down it, somewhat like a pendulum.


We use a variant of these in the Philippines for a golf course. Management absolutely loves them because they are damn near silent, and our golf course has a lot of technical areas that a large mower simply cannot get into. The hovering mower is also incredibly maneuverable


It's so funny to me how the US manages to overregulate and underregulate at the same time..


Thank you for helping me broaden my criminalistic lifestyle.... now to incorporate  illegally  mowing my yard 😊


The UK and EU market also had a problem with "foot under mower". They solved it by changing from metal blades to much shorter, hinged plastic ones so that a foot stuck under the mower was safe by virtue of the blades having much less inertia and hitting much less powerfully. Granted you need to replace blades from time to time, but the mower still works very well.


Growing up in the UK you always know when someone starts up a Flymo with that distinctive sound of the fan! Great little mowers


Never thought I'd have to buy a mower from the black market but here we are


I had the smaller version of this. It didn't collect the grass clippings, but was very easy to use. It also had plastic blades that were cheap to buy & easy to change. There was an advert here in the UK showing a regular mower & a plastic bladed Flymo going over an ordinary shoe. The regular mower tore it to bits, the Flymo just scuffed it up.


There's a bit of technique with one of these. The easiest way to mow with a Flymo is usually in large semi-circles, one side to the other (left to right), while keeping your body fixed in the center and slowly moving backwards. You can cover a huge area in a very short time with minimal effort that way.


I both SOLD and BOUGHT a gas-powered Flymo when I was a merchandising manager at JCPenney in 1977..  we ordered two, and could never sell them, and marked them down to clear out, and I finally bought the last one for about $40. Our rental's backyard had previously been tilled badly for a garden, then let go back to grass, so mowing with small wheels was impossible. This floated over the mounds and gave an even cut. Left it at the rental when I moved into an apartment.


I remember these things from when I was a kid in Belgium. They worked well.  Always wondered why not available in US. Turns out it was the safety police (again, as usual).


Cracks me up that the lawnmower you see nearly every old age pensioner in Scotland own is deemed too dangerous in the US as it might cut your foot off. You would need to stick your foot under it and angle it up quite a bit to even get a trim of your toes. Your more likely to shoot your foot off with a gun you can buy at walmart in 5 minutes πŸ˜†


UK viewer here, We have had an older version of this mower since at least the early 2000s (possibly late 90's) and it's still going strong to this day. Everything is original other then the blade and in all the years we have had it the safety switch on the handle is the only thing that broke however the mover still works totally fine without it.


My grandparents back in the 70's had one of these here in Toronto and every summer I couldn't wait to go visit them and use the most envied mower in the neighborhood. What a blast it was cutting the grass with a hovercraft, you could give it a push and let it glide across the lawn handsfree. No safety handles back then, just click the on button and away it goes. Great for mowing an incline as you can just stand at the top and glide the mower side to side while walking downhill.


I lived in England in the late 90s. One days my family visited a castle and while we were there, there was a man mowing the lawn with one of these hovercraft electric mowers.

He was up on a high retaining wall, about 15 foot up or so, which had a fairly steep slope to the grass along the top of the wall. He tired a rope to the handle of the mower and would just let the mower down the slope until it dropped over the edge and then haul it back up.


Illegal things are always more fun πŸ˜‚