The real problem with Now is the material drops. In normal Monster Hunter we've all spent hours and days grinding for that one gem with a 2% drop rate, and that can be as fun as it frustrating. But in Now, you can't even fight monsters as freely and repeatedly as you want. If there's no needed monster within my area, or the mat doesn't drop off the one I find, then that's all I can do that entire day.
The only fun part about the game are the hunts and being a good excuse to go out for a walk and touch grass. Niantics greed spoils everything else.
"Let us craft lures" Niantic: "We have heard the player base and you can now buy lures in the shop for 1 dollar each, we thank TDS for the big help"
The main problem i have so far (most of my stuff around lvl5) is that it feels like grade 2mats are rarer then grade 3 mats and you need far more of them
I think I can speak for many people here: We all saw this coming.
One of my biggest issues how many monster I can hunt while at 5 stars and only get T1 mats as a reward 90% of the time.
My main issue with the game is that I have to hunt so much to gain so little, and I am forced into 1 armor equipment because I simply can't afford getting the armor AND weapons. The only armor pieces I have are from weapons I never use, so they don't take away from each other - but this also means that I can't get a fire weapon AND fire boosting equipment right now.
You could build a whole PC and play World Iceborne in 4k for less than the cost of 1 G10 weapon. That’s crazy.
I dont regret uninstalling this game.
For anyone curious, this video's a bit outdated with it's information now. Yes, Zenny is still buyable with money, but being able to sell materials in your item box for Zenny, combined with the Zenny Reward Boost at HR100 for Daily Quests, combined with the Constant Events that give you free shit for doing the most basic of tasks ! The Zenny Economy has since Sky Rocketed and it's ridiculously easy to earn Free Zenny even if you're not even trying to. Material Drops are still a bit of a struggle, but with Hunt-A-Thons now havin a Worldwide Group Hunt Feature, combined with Group Hunts granting Bonus Rewards simply for hunting with another Player, it's not quite as painful as it used to be.
Was out before the Halloween event after hitting 7* I realised I was wasting my time after that. Still very good video on that topic! Thanks for showing how insane it is :D
I wasn’t even hyped for this game and had no plans to install it, this video just HEAVILY reinforced my decision.
Another problem is for some monster such as Rathalo, it only appears in the forest, which makes it much rare than others. And you need its material for your weapon, mail and greaves, some even need head or coil. Different rareility monster request same amount of materials for update is unfair. Also the damage and the attack opportunity difference between range and melee are also crazy. I could kill 7 stars Legiana with 5.4 Rathalo bow, even I got hit twice and died once, but I still have about 50% of chance couldn't kill a 6 stars Legiana with 6.5 Anjanath SnS due to run out of time. THIS ASSHOLE COULD STARTS FLYING WHEN ABOUT 60S LEFT BUT NEVER LAND, only about half of the SnS attack are on its head, the rest are either miss or on its foot. Once he dash melee weapon have to roll about 2-3 times, while range weapon just keeps attacking on weakness. FUCKING LEGIANA!
Id love to see this sent to both Capcom and Niantic. Even if niantic's rep isnt all that good when it comes to listening to players, Capcoms IS and as long as the feedback is given respectfully, Im sure capcom will put pressure on niantic to make changes
this is why i dont do games on phone they tend to always go crazy greed like this and this is not the worst we have seen
Im glad the skill unlocks max out at tier 8, as realistically i dont think I'll ever go above that
My main problem in this game is you cannot take down hard monsters when underpowered. Not like in the main game where even if you dont have any equipment, you can still take down difficult monsters as long as you have the skills to do it. That timer is the hardest monster to overcome in this game.
Zenny isn't an issue, you'll have well over 500,000 by the time you get 90 gems 😂 Since I've upgraded my bow and hammer to 7-5 I've only gotten 3 gems and have earned over 90k zenny. With a little quick math I'll have 2.7million zenny before I have the mats to upgrade a weapon to full anyway
My issue with this game is it never feels like you are doing enough damage to monsters even with their effective weapon.