I am Croatian 🇭🇷 , living in France. I salut this lady for her courage and inner strength.
That man wasnt the only monster. All those men he recruited to abuse her are also monsters. That poor woman.
The fact that he could recruit so many men in the area - different ages, employment etc terrifying. After getting divorced when our daughter was 6 weeks. I stayed single until she was 23yo. I could not 100%trust a non related man near her. I still believe I was right.
Props to the security guard who unwittingly got this ball rolling. How many security guards actually encourage a victim to report to the police or even oust a pervert in public?
The scary thing is, there ARE more men like Dominique Pelicot; they've just not been found out yet. May every good and honest and decent man stand up for women and girls. It's WAY overdue. Thank you to Giselle and Caroline for standing tall and courageous against abuse and sexual violence against women.
Him so easily finding all these men to join in..what's wrong with them all!?
A survivor of a Nazi death camp, when asked years later how she thought so many "normal" Germans could have participated in those atrocities, replied "all they needed was permission." This felt similar to me with all those "normal" men living so close to where this crime took place. Her husband gave them permission.
I'm a 30 year old woman, the first time I was harassed and inappropriately touched i was 11. It has happened many times ever since, I never hated men for that because I blamed the ones that chose to act like animals. But I must admit this case disturbed me, that monster of a man and the number of different "regular" men in such a small area who engaged in this: the neighbour, baker, plumber , journalist etc... I walk around my little town now wondering about those I interact with. I have personal trauma yes which doesn't help but man.. it's truly scary.
Gisele and Caroline are truly inspirational having shown commendable strength and resilience in overcoming such a devastating and horrific situation.
Well done 60 Minutes for finally opening your comment section. Justice for Gisele Pelicot!
The fact that she kept going to the doctors with various issues related to being repeatedly drugged and r*ped, and none of them seem to have noticed any alarm bells ringing or suggested further investigations is also rather worrying.
The fact that so many men with different backgrounds, ages etc. from the area were willing to participate in her abuse tells you everything you need to know. My heart breaks for all the women who endured this type of abuse. I wish her and her daughter peace and healing after this terrifying betrayal.. I can’t imagine having to come to terms with the fact that your husband/father never saw you as a human being.
The fact there were thousands of men (over 70k) in a wed forum all about rap*ing women is horrific enough. But talking about it and going through with it so openly just makes me sick 😢
Not only the men that did participate but the men that were also offered but declined and also chose not to report it. They should be just as ashamed. Sickening.
The judge’s did an excellent thing, showing the footage every time they denied it. That is the very best part of the case . She is an amazing person. Respect ❤
This is why most women would choose to encounter a bear over a man in the woods.
She has her mother’s strength. My heart goes out to you both, I’m so sorry.
It’s chilling to know that, in a regular town within an hour’s drive, finding all those ordinary men willing to participate in that was not difficult
Seventeen men in denial about their part in all of this despite the evidence. I hope when their appeal is heard that they're given additional sentencing. They're all despicable.