I always imagined it was supposed to be “Oh, let the plant grow.” Because they were talking about the happy tree.
Other Yoshis: Enjoying life Yellow Yoshi: "I'm so tired of being here."
I was at Universal Studios Japan a few days ago and this track played during the "Yoshi's Adventure" Ride. I was flooded with so many happy nostalgic memories!
This particular song really hits me somewhere deep. I’m a starving student floundering though life with stress and uncertainty at every turn. When I hear this I feel like I’m 7 years old being dropped off at my grandmother’s house to spend the day with her. No obligations, no worries, innocence and childlike tranquility. I miss those times. I miss her. Almost brings a tear to my eye.
They're preparing the ritrual.
This needs to be remade for the switch
Green: Ecstatic. Blue: High on life Red: Chitchatting Yellow: H E L P
Green yoshi: happy Blue yoshi : wha- Red yoshi : random Yellow yoshi : why are we still here.. just to suffer?
All the Yoshies... All singing... SO. FRIKKIN. CUTE.
i remember playing this as a baby, and never remembering the actual game, but the song got stuck in my mind. i loved that so much. i found it after 10 years of search. i'm in tears.
Green Yoshi: Happy And Vibing Blue Yoshi: Surprised By Something Red Yoshi: I Dunno Yellow Yoshi: sad
Yellow Yoshi looks sad
1998 Nintendo Presents "Neetendo!"
This music makes me sad. In my opinion, it has a nostalgic feel to it.
This game along with its soundtrack is the epitome of happiness.
The part when he went “wah oh wah” I really felt that
Blue Yoshi: Acid trip Yellow Yoshi: S a d Green Yoshi: Normal Red Yoshi: Drug deal
I miss playing this with my little sister (she passed away last year) she used to sing me the songs at the end of every level