I guess it's safe to say this is the first car collection video which deserves a part 2, there's so much to take in and a 15 minute video doesn't do any justice. Keep up the great work Tim. --Regards
This is possibly my favourite collection that you’ve toured. Simply stunning.
This is probably one of the most beautiful collections I have ever seen. Especially the race suits.
Respect to you Tim for showing honour to this legendary collection by protecting the floor's...
One person amassed all these wonders. What an accomplishment, what a life. Congratulations on a life well lived with fun, and memories, and dreams realized.
You know there was a lot to look at when Shmee casually walks past the Jaguar XJ220 and a Porsche 918 Weissach.
I’ve watched your collection tours, along with many other Vloggers and this is by far the most well put together collections I’ve seen so far. From the cars, memorabilia, artwork, and even shoe collection. It’s a true work of art
Simply an amazing collection that I could spend days looking at everything.
Not only those beautiful cars itself, but everything around it, like collectables or model cars and the overall look, thats for me making it truely unique
As amazing as these car collections are I have to admit they start feeling a bit similar. But this collection is something else, incredible. Love the sneaker collection as well.
I’m going to Canada next week, I love finding out about hidden collections like these. Absolutely stunning.
That collection is one of the most incredible things on earth and I hope the owner loves and drives every car
I've never been truly jealous of a collection until now. From the racing memorabilia to the sneakers to the cars, everything is something I'm interested in
Billions if you had to replace them all im guessing ....amazing...thanks for sharing
I was fortunate to see this garage privately. I did not think he would ever let the public see his garage on a stage like this. Well done.
Definitely head & shoulders above any other collection, put together like a museum and all the memorabilia, sneakers etc makes it unique
I can’t even imagine how much time and detail must have been put into this collection, the scale is enormous, with every detail thought out and considered. This guy must have an entire staff traveling the world to get all that stuff.
Awesome video once again, Tim. This is such a beautiful collection, might be the best one I’ve seen thus far.