5:21 어묵국물 더 넣어주시는것 봐 쏘 스윗
살아있어줘서 감사해요
5:21 i love how the lady fill the soup bowl for her. Like, she cares about her customer so well.
05:21 말없이 어묵 국물 채워주시는 사장님 스윗~
This video is nostalgia. Didn't realized I re-watched this so many times that I can roughly still remember what she was saying since the English subs are not out yet.
This the kind of person you bring at a buffet.
Omg I'm so glad that she was able to save this one! This was the first ever video I've watched from her, and it was my favorite 💜💜
When she’s wearing a mic but still tried to whisper to the camera. Cute.
근데 이 영상 나만 중독되서 계속 보게 되나?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ뭔가 떡볶이 윤기도 좔좔나고 암튼 맛깔나게 먹어서 계속 보게됨ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
진짜 숨겨진 맛집은 이런데임. 떡 매일 새벽에 공수 되는 당일 뽑은 쌀 떡 이라 양념 없이 그냥 먹어도 맛있는 떡임. 재료가 열일함. 서대문 영천시장 떡복이도 여기 떡하고 똑같은떡 쓰는집 있는데영천시장 떡골목에서 새벽마다 공수해서 떡만 먹어도 맛있음
쯔양님 음식에 침 안튀기게 가리고 말하시는 매너 너무 좋아요 ㅠㅠㅠ
할머니가 엄마를데려오고 엄마가 쯔양을 데려오고 쯔양이 시청자를 데려오넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I love the absolute joy you can see in her eyes from how delicious it is, but also how nostalgic it is
8:44 남은 떡볶이 뺏어갈까봐 식겁한것 같은뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
얼마나 자주가서 많이 먹었으면 사장님이 놀라시지도 않넼ㅋㅋㅋ
이거 최애영상이신 분들 많구낰ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저도 최애라 한달음에 호다닥 왔습니다ㅠㅠㅠ 분식먹방 최고👍 쯔양님의 추억 서린 곳이라 더 최고💕
ㅁㅊ.... 내 최애영상이자너... 보자마자 완전 행복해서 놀랐다구요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 너무 좋다😆😆😆😆
I'm glad this is back. Its the very first mukbang that I've watched from her. When I go to korea I'll definitely search for this store.
I am surprised seeing her appetite. I usually get full in 1 big bowl of rice and vegetable curry Plus i was worried about that white top she's wearing 😭 glad it didn't got stained