
In a song with so many great lines, "Just 'cause you can't beat 'em,
 don't mean you should join 'em", is my favorite.


Country needs more artists like her.


"your damned if you do and your damned if you dont so you might as well just do whatever you want" Favorite line in a song ever. This is my favorite song ever. 


Love how she promotes acceptance.


My 3 year old loves this song! I'm a momma that prides herself on telling her children the truth and this so couldn't get much truer!


I'm not much into country music but I really like this. Lyrics are so perfect. 


I love the song's intentions, embracing each and everyone's individuality. I wish there were more artists this genuine. :)


Her play on words in all of her songs is such a magnificent gift. 
She's beautiful and she is so skillful in her writing. Much love to her. ♥


My arrow pointed to the like button.


I love Kacey Musgrave!!  New country some of oldies can appreicate.


the only lyric video ive ever seen without lyrics, not that i need them memorized the lyrics in no time!


Country Radio, if you ignore this- then you're cowards.


Im really glad I came across this song again. I heard it last year but I forgot about it. Kacey Musgraves is so amazing. I had a friend who doesnt like Country Music and I actually made her listen to it without telling her the genre and she really liked it.


Love this song! She is definitely right, you should be who you wanna be.


She brings fresh songs to the country music genre. This is how it's done.


This song reminds me of Andy. I will follow my arrow too! Thank you Andy!!


  For many people never listened to country music! You're missing out a lot! Honestly, about 2 years ago, I was not such a big fan of country music. But i do have an innate passion for country music! But now I'm a full time country music devoter and I'm telling, there are just so many good music here. Country music got me through tough time, and I just can't get out of it. Kacey Musgraves is such an inspiring artist! If you guys join the wagon, trust me you'll never get out!!! I hope country music will always be dominant in the US and people would listen to it more often! You are not a true country person if all you heard is Taylor Swift ( she's country to some degrees, but she's still a pop star from where I'm at)!


I've only listened to this song a few times but I love it already. So much, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo with an arrow saying "follow your arrow,wherever it points" in a few years!!


Kacey makes music for real people, she's a great lyricist!


Love this song and the people who wrote it. Especially Brandy Clark.