
This is possibly the most in depth run down on something beyond spiritual or existence. Really enjoyed listening to this. Thanks. Cannot wait to hear more.....


It’s like we’re stuck with endless Ads , that play over & over & over 😢


Just a friendly reminder: wherever your attention goes there you flow. Sending infinite love and peaceful energy from the creeks and woodland of Missouri.


Prepare yourself , because we’re about to prepare you to prepare yourself


I had an NDE decades ago, as I was trying to return I hit a roadblock that I feared to pass and this old woman appeared and encouraged me to get past it. She also told me something so important (meaning of life type s**t) but the shock of waking up meant I forgot it. 
I did not recognise her and thought she may be some long dead ancestor...as I get older though and look in the mirror I think it may have been me just several decades in the future.


I experienced deja vu about 6 times watching this video.


I live in new england.  There are places where there were homes abandoned 150 years ago.  There's very little left.  Often, the stone foundations are just barely recognizable as such.  Imagine what's left after 10,000 years, multiple dramatic climactic shifts, seismic activity and whatever other cataclysmic events.   My God.  The arrogance of today's historians and archaeologists is infuriating.  Why can't they just say "we don't know" or that anything is possible.  How many "hard truths" or "myths" that people vehemently defended or denied for decades have been subsequently proven false or true?  How much evidence has been dismissed or ignored because it didn't fit the accepted narrative, or is arrogantly derided as "childish" native mythology?  I received a degree in history that I understood then to be worthless.  Anytime I questioned why some significant event or item wasn't included while we dwelt on something that seemed pointless in comparison I would be ignored or waved off, sometimes angrily.  The internet has been a blessing and a curse......


We are all one! All is one with you!


This video serves as a reason I entertain the idea of celestial or alien intervention long ago. Not only are we (as far as we know) the only truly self aware and conscious beings on this planet, and we take it so much farther by grasping and expounding on concepts like this. We’re so far ahead of everything cognitively mere natural, unabated evolution seems implausible to me. The fact we also feel we’re a mere scratch or thin layer away from breaking through to the next level is utterly astounding. We know it’s there, we feel it, we have flashes of it, we flirt with it but it’s just inches from our grasp now. It just screams the game was rigged for us intentionally long long long ago.


Nobody believes me but I’ve had several dreams that came true & they were tragic but it was like it was meant to happen… 
Ever since I was young I can into deep trance in my mind.  I will ask myself mentally “is this real?  Is this really happening?  Am I real?” Once I dwell deeper on those thoughts I will go into a deeper level of consciousness.  The whole thing is like peeling layers of an onion but when I get real deep I feel like I am connected to something so beyond me my mind will back off… 
It’s so hard to put into words but I feel it, what it is I don’t know…


I loved this video.  Are we just scratching the surface of existence itself?  This is truly mind opening insights to what we are truly going through.


I feel like this now. Life is a groundhog day after certain point.
Work,pay bills,productive in society,kids raised, it's routine...


Your thoughts shape your experience of the universe by influencing where you focus your attention, the energy you project, and the actions you take. Positive thinking can attract opportunities and harmony, while negative thoughts may lead to challenges. Your mindset creates a ripple effect, affecting not only your actions but also the people around you, shaping the world you experience.


Did i just finally go completely insane


To use the double slit experiment as an analogy, I believe that the "soul" is the wave that exists in all states and we are the equivalent of the photons that have collapsed down into a classical state.

I also believe that this wave function collapse is what we perceive as the progression of time, and that the order in which each collapse occurs is what determines the future.


As Yogi Berra once said—
“It’s like Deja vu all over again” 😊


All we have is NOW. Yesterday + today = Tomorrow. The past lies within memory and the future lies within thought. All of these are happening simultaneously. Who is to say it can’t happen in reverse at times. If you are anxious you are living in the future mentally; if you are depressed you are living in the past. Event response loop is real. 😮


What’s kinda weird is I had 3 heart attacks 9 years ago. Had surgery and obviously survived.  However, since then everything and everyone in my life seems off.  Everything this that can go wrong does everyday. I feel
Like I died and was sent to a different place.  Interesting concept.


Yes, so let's make the most of it - seek Truth and the most beneficial service to humanity


This deserves some kind of YouTube achievement award! Bravo! and Encore!