
Some stars shine so bright they burn out before their time RIP Tupac Shakur we miss you man


To the generation listening to this in 2095 I died many years ago. The 90's was one of the best decades in human history. One love.


At 74, yes 74,  I have discovered Tupac and this GREAT song.  This former Californian loves this song.  My kids are amazed,  You're never too old for new kinds of music and my maiden name was Compton . . . so I have a special affinity for this song. Love it!!


THE greatest rap song that has ever/will ever be written. Perfection in every aspect. Been listening to this for 30 years... yep it's that old.... and every time is as fresh as the first.


The Hip hop music has never been the same again since he left us. He truly was way ahead of his time.


If Pac was alive today, we all would have seen the man perform this song at the Superbowl.


Tupac was California's tourism ambassador without even knowing, the way he marketed that state to the whole world through this song is still unbelievable


My 12 year old grand daughter came to my room singing the first bar of the song. So I came here to show her what grandma knows.


There are songs that come and go, but this one came and stayed.


The 90s gangsta music and rap will always hold a place in my heart.


It is now 2021, and i want to be friends with everyone that still loves this song


Dre+2pac=Masterclass Of Rap 🥀


This still hits all these years later ...still better than todays rap music ...so glad i got to grow up in the 80s/90s ...some of the best music put out ...rest in peace Pac 🕊️ you are missed , still the best to do it


Pac's lyrics, philosophy, energy & passion... there can NEVER be another Pac... ever.


When the 90s rapped, it sounded like raw talent and you could really enjoy it. Most of the 90s club rap tunes were gold!  Rip 🙏  Tupac


2025 keep it rocking, cmon ... legendary


2PAC is gone 25 years already... But his legacy is timeless 🙏🏼


Whatever civilization comes after us, whether they be more advanced or less advanced, they will certainly look back at the 90s as one of the greatest eras of art and music of all time.




2Pac's energy to Rap is irreplicable.😌